Elozonam Reveals Cast List for New Series “My Name is Zozo”

"Call Me Zozo" poster

Big Brother’s ex-housemate and digital content creator, Elozonam, might have cast all A-list celebrities in the Nigerian film industry in his upcoming series titled “My Name is Zozo”.

Elozonam, a TV show host, actor, and voice-over artist, is taking his career to the next level as he is the producer and lead actor of the new series.

Joining in “My Name is Zozo” as cast are Tobi Bakre, Efe Irele, Ini Dima-Okojie, Munachii Abi, Diane Russet, Hilda Baci, Atteh Daniel, Erica Nweledim, Layi Wasabi, Saskay, Brodda Shaggi, and more.

“My Name is Zozo” sees a man who just got his first major role as an actor in his career. He intends to find another, to feel the rush and become a movie star. He goes on this journey with his personal assistant, Annie, and together, they encounter some comical obstacles as he journies to become a moviestar.

The pilot episode of “My Name is Zozo” is set to be released on May 24.

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