
5 (more) reasons you are not getting sex

by Nick Roy


1)  You’re Not Attractive

No, we don’t mean you’re ugly. We only mean that you’re not doing anything about your appearance. You wear sweatpants and geeky T-shirts everywhere you go. You’ve got a beer belly and are complacent about it. You don’t go to the gym, you don’t groom yourself everyday and you eat like a pig in front of women. Don’t be that man, or you can get a permanent spot in the friend zone.  

2) You Have Outlandish Standards

It’s actually quite ridiculous that men who often complain about their dry spell are the ones who have exceptionally high standards. We are not telling you to hump a woman you don’t find attractive. That’s unfair to you and her. But, having said that, good looks don’t mean that she is more fun to have sex with. So, don’t be choosy. Look out for real women who you’ll like them for what they are. 

3) You Think You Know It All

You think the world revolves around you and you can’t stop talking about how awesome you are – in plain simple words – you’re self-centric and delusional, too! If this is your attitude, then you’d have to handle the business yourself. So shut it. Be patient with the women around you, and actually try and impress them for a change. You’ll get laid the very next day itself.

4)  You’re A Wuss

You’re scared to approach women for the fear of being rejected. Rejection is a part of this game. You have to realize that success only comes after rejection. So, get over it and try hard to woo the woman you want. Really hard. Because a sexy woman won’t knock on your door while you’re busy inside playing with your console – it has to be the other way round.

5) You Have Clothing/Breath/Hygiene Issues

For most women, you don’t have to have a killer wardrobe, a massive house or an expensive perfume. But, you’ve to make sure that you and your belongings have to be clean, presentable and well-groomed. Before a date, or before you’re sure of getting laid – spend some time on yourself and get groomed, fix your breath and carefully pick your outfit.


Read more in MENSXP


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