
#BringBackOurGirls: We’ll rescue them without Nigeria’s permission – Sen. McCain (READ)

by ‘Jola Sotubo

U.S. Senator John McCain gestures as he arrives to address the third session of the Republican National Convention in Tampa

John McCain, a United States Senator has said that the abducted Nigerian schoolgirls should be rescued by the US forces whether the Nigerian government approves or not.

The two-time presidential candidate was said to have stated that America does not need permission from “some guy named Goodluck Jonathan” to save the girls who have been held captive for the past one month.

Senator McCain said:

“If they knew where they were, I certainly would send in US troops to rescue them, in a New York minute I would, without permission of the host country,” . “I wouldn’t be waiting for some kind of permission from some guy named Goodluck Jonathan.” 

According to reports:

 McCain insisted that if he were US president, his administration would have prepared special forces ready to enter Nigeria if a rescue opportunity was apparent. His rationale for military intervention rests with the United Nations charter, he said, since the mass abduction was akin to “crimes against humanity.”

“The United Nations Charter recognized crimes against humanity, this fits into the category of crimes against humanity, and that gives any nation the license if they can to stop a crime against humanity, the same reason we should have if we could have freed the people at Dachau or Auschwitz,” McCain said.

McCain said the US need not receive permission from the Nigerian government, as Abuja would give thanks to any American effort that ends up saving the young girls.

“I would not be involved in the niceties of getting the Nigerian government to agree, because if we did rescue these people, there would be nothing but gratitude from the Nigerian government, such as it is,” he said.

The Nigerian government has been reluctant to work with Washington in recent years in countering Boko Haram, the Obama administration has said. The fractious relationship was a key reason why the US State Department did not officially label the Islamist group as a terror organization in 2011 and 2012.

The Obama administration said Tuesday it will not negotiate with Boko Haram to retrieve the girls.

“We, as a matter of policy, deny kidnappers the benefits of their criminal acts, and that includes ransoms or other concessions,” White House press secretary Jay Carney said.

Following initial resistence, the Nigerian government now says it will negotiate with Boko Haram. A spokesman for the militant group said it would not return the girls unless the government released “our brethren.”

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  1. the thing senator is where are the girls? If nigeria knew the girls will be free, assist if you really want to assist by knowing where they are, its more than one week since you got involved, no difference yet.

  2. Everyone Has The Right To His/Her Opinion; No Matter How Silly Or Stupid It Is.

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