Tag: married couple

BIZARRE: This couple chose a horse as bridesmaid for their wedding (PHOTOS)

A horse-mad bride chose her thoroughbred to be one of her bridesmaids at her wedding. Alex Wells, 28, was attended by her friend Lianna Bourne, 28, and her 17-year-old horse,…

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Terrible: Man, 79, beats his 82-year-old wife to death with walking stick after argument

  An elderly dementia sufferer has admitted beating his 82-year-old wife to death with a walking stick in row over the central heating. Hazel Bailey was found beaten to death…

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DISTURBING: Soldier and wife arrested for having SEX WITH DOGS and posting videos online (PICTURED)

A filthy Fort Bragg soldier and his wife remained locked up Tuesday after having sex with dogs and sharing clips of the encounters online, cops said. Ruben and Amber Fox,…

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