Tag: survives

Nigerian toddler avoids being crushed to death by moving vehicle (PHOTO)

5-year-old Omobolade Ogundare, was hit by a car on Bennett Street in Gorton and dragged along the street for a few kilometers on Saturday. He survived being crushed after two…

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It’s a miracle! 7-year-old girl survives plane crash which killed 4 people

by Chinwe Okafor Miracles do happen. A 7-year-old girl has survived a plane crash that left four people dead on Friday night. The disoriented little girl walked away from the…

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It’s a miracle: Dog falls 16 storeys, survives without any injury (PICTURED)

by Zara Mustapha A woman in Florida is still shaken after her dog fell 15 stories down an air conditioning vent the night before. According to the emergency veternary doctor…

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Unborn baby miraculously survives pregnant mom’s fatal shooting in Chicago (PHOTOS)

Eva Casara, 17, was found in a Chicago suburb with a single bullet to the back of her head on Christmas Day. She died the next morning, but her unborn…

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Lucky escape: Student falls 10 storeys, trapped between 2 buildings for 24 hours and survives (PICTURED)

Asher Vongtau had a lucky escape A student has managed to survive after falling 10 stories and being trapped between two buildings for over 24 hours. Asher Vongtau, 19, is in serious…

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Wow! Baby with 2 heads survives risky surgery in Afghanistan (PHOTOS)

Three month old Asree Gul, with an extra head as she lies at a hospital in the eastern Afghanistan city of Jalalabad This shocking picture shows a three-month-old baby with…

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How man survived after getting shot 5 times in the head in Imo (PICTURED)

by Oge Okonkwo What would simply be described as a miracle, occurred in the life of  Alex Anosike, an engineer by profession, who cheated death after being shot in the…

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Braveheart: Boy, 12, miraculously survives after 2.5 inch nail pierced his heart

A 12-year-old boy has miraculously survived after running over a two-and-a-half inch nail while mowing the lawn, causing it to fling into the air and pierce his heart. Abe Tullis,…

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Luck or miracle? Man saved as he smashes into parked car after falling 14 floors

  Flat plunge ... witnesses heard a loud bang as man dropped 14 floors This wrecked and blood-spattered car marks the spot where a man’s 14-floor plunge came to an…

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Don’t try this at home! Boy, 3, falls from third-storey window while playing, survives with minor injuries

A 3-year-old boy playing Spider-Man with his siblings fell out of a third-floor apartment window and was rushed to the hospital. The fall happened just before 9:15 pm on Monday…

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Pound of flesh: Man survives terrifying attack after massive alligator bites down his arm

A worker at a Florida gator park is lucky to still have a hand after a 900-pound alligator clamped down on his arm during a 'lunge alligator' performance over the…

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