Tag: traits

4 traits that will set you apart from the pack

by Jessica Padykula Wallflowers don't often get much attention. Sure, the shy act can attract some guys, but for the most part, if you want to find a love match…

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4 traits that can set you apart from others

by TNN We all know how men love women who are independent. When you are dependent on someone not only do you end up feeling like a burden on someone,…

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Nanya Konwea: Best friends forever (30 days, 30 voices)

by Nanya Konwea  "Believe me, your best friend is one of the few people you can say stuff like "you na big fool" to in a heated argument, yet get on like…

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6 annoying traits guys wish girls would get rid of

by Sabrina Alexis Guys are all for self-improvement, but if you nag them, they will only grow to resent you and will do the opposite of what you want. If you…

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15 traits of the ideal employee

by Ken Sundheim Employees can only help your company if they want to help themselves have a better career.  Ambition is what makes a company innovative, it’s what spawns creative…

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