Tag: annoying

14 habits of people who always stay fit

by Amy Odell Don't just work out so you can fit into a tight dress — make it a habit with these tricks. 1. Exercise even if you only have…

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9 signs he is terrible and you should dump him

by David Ingber Look, it's 2013. I don't care if the man or the woman picks up the tab, or if you go halfsies, or your thruple goes thirdsies. But…

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10 most annoying types of Facebook friends

by Carmen Chong Get over yourself because nobody wants to be updated about your stops throughout the day which includes five visits to the public restroom, your workplace and the…

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6 annoying traits guys wish girls would get rid of

by Sabrina Alexis Guys are all for self-improvement, but if you nag them, they will only grow to resent you and will do the opposite of what you want. If you…

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4 annoying things men ALWAYS do

Being alone for sometime will give him some time to liven up his spirits and recharge his mood before he gets talking to you 1. He texts during your date …

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7 reasonable reasons to take a break from social media

by Lisa Washington Have you ever thought about how social media can affect your self-esteem? Just as there are some friends with annoying status updates, there are others who can’t…

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cool good eh love2 cute confused notgood numb disgusting fail