
This deserves an investigation: “Pedophilia is not criminal…” – South African Catholic Cardinal (PICTURED)

A South African cardinal who helped elect  Pope Francis has described paedophilia as a psychological illness and not ‘a  criminal condition’.

The Catholic Archbishop of Durban, Wilfrid  Fox Napier, told BBC Radio 5 live that people who were abused as children and  became paedophiles were not criminally responsible for their actions in the same  way as somebody ‘who chooses to do something like that’.

Cardinal Napier, who was among the 115  cardinals in the conclave at the Vatican that elected Pope Francis earlier this  week, called paedophilia a ‘psychological disorder.

And just three days into the new role, the  pope and the Catholic Church are now faced with fresh child abuse controversy  after the cardinal’s remarks.

popeNewly elected Pope Francis (right), is given a yellow  Catholic faith bracelet by Cardinal Wilfrid Fox Napier of South Africa following  a meeting at the Vatican (left). The South African cardinal claimed that  paedophilia is an ‘illness’

He said: ‘What do you do with disorders? You  have got to try and put them right.

‘If I as a normal being choose to break the  law knowing that I am breaking the law, then I think I need to be  punished…

‘From my experience paedophilia is actually  an illness, it is not a criminal condition, it is an illness.’


The cardinal spoke of two priests he knew who  were abused as children and went on to become paedophiles.

He told the BBC: ‘Don’t tell me that those  people are criminally responsible like somebody who chooses to do something like  that.


The cardinal said that in his experience, paedophilia is  an illness, not a criminal condition, and the people who have been abused as  children and then molest others are ‘damaged’

Pope Francis explained to journalists in an audience today that he was a 'church for the poor'Pope Francis explained to journalists in an audience  today that he wants a ‘church for the poor’

‘I don’t think you can really take the  position and say that person deserves to be punished when he was himself  damaged.’

Barbara Dorries, from the US-based Survivors  Network of those Abused by Priests was abused as a child by a priest.

She told the BBC: ‘If it is a disease that’s  fine, but it’s also a crime and crimes are punished, criminals are held  accountable for what they did and what they do.

‘The bishops and the cardinals have gone to  great lengths to cover these crimes to enable the predators to move on, to not  be arrested, to keep the secrets within the church.’

The cardinal has made controversial  statements before, maintaining that people should abstain from sex  rather than  use contraceptives, to stop spreading HIV.

He took the official Roman Catholic  Stance  and argued that government programmes to distribute condoms were  ineffectual in  stemming the spread of HIV.

Instead, he supported programmes based  around abstinence.

He was one of the cardinal electors who  participated in the 2005 papal conclave that selected Pope Benedict  XVI.

The cardinal is a prolific Twitter user, and  has kept his followers up to date about the conclave and his meetings with the  newly ordained pope.

He wrote: ‘Last 2 days quite unreal. Mass  with Pope Francis in Santa Martha Chapel, Breakfast, Lunch & Supper with him  sitting at a different table!

‘What’s it like in Conclave? Apart from NO  radio or TV, NO newspapers or phone calls, Emails or SMS’s, NO Twitter or  Facebook, all is normal.’

‘We chat, discuss, get to know each  other.  Meals are special times. We relax, share stories about our home  Churches, dream  about the future!’

His remarks came on the day that the pope  held a private meeting with journalists.

Pope Francis has said he wants ‘a poor  Church, for the poor’ following his election as head of the Catholic  Church.

In a meeting with journalists, the Pontiff  said he was inspired to choose  the name Francis after the 12th Century saint  Francis of Assisi.

DailyMail Online

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