The spicy political drama in the All Progressives Congress (APC) has been ongoing in the last few days. It all started when festering disagreements between incumbent Edo Governor, Godwin Obaseki and the suspended National Chairman of the party, Adams Oshiomhole cost the Governor a chance to run for a second term run on the platform of the party.
He was disqualified to run for the primary elections on account of “defective” credentials. Obaseki was quick to bid farewell to the party and is rumoured to be warming up to run on the platform of the opposition People’s Democratic Party (PDP).
In what seemed to be a bite by karma, the Court of Appeal, Wednesday, upheld Oshiomole’s suspension as the National Chairman of the party.
Many Nigerians anxiously awaited the news of his replacement, expecting a certain Shaibu Lawal who is Deputy National Chairman (North) of the party, but were shocked to hear that the immediate past Governor of Oyo, Abiola Ajimobi rumoured to be in a coma and suffering symptoms of the coronavirus was appointed as the Acting APC Chairman.
Many questioned how someone who is allegedly immobile could possibly lead a party, raising speculations that Oshiomhole was still trying to control things behind the scenes.
Yesterday :Fmr. Gov of Oyo state Ajimobi in coma from covid-19 complications
Today :Same Ajimobi now appointed to serve as APC Acting National Chairman after Court of Appeal affirmed the suspension of Adams Oshiomhole.
Honestly,i don't think these people rate us at all
— JIMOH, Habibullahi (@Cytosine_real) June 17, 2020
Oshiomhole's hand is behind this Ajimobi saga.. Chief Gaidom is supposed to be chairman
Oh let's give a lifeless man and keep control than give Gaidom that we may not be able to control
Besides there are other deputy Chairmen why give someone battling for his life
Evil party!
— the Morris Monye factor (@Morris_Monye) June 17, 2020
In a spectacular turn of events, information emerged on Wednesday that the courts had ruled in favour of Deputy National Secretary, Victor Giadom as the new Acting Chairman of the governing party and has resumed office.
Giadom proactively upturned the Governorship Screening exercise which disqualified Godwin Obaseki and went further to ask the “aggrieved” aspirants to reappear for a fresh screening.
Crises brews in APC as Giadom unseats Ajimobi, annul Obaseki’s disqualification
The crises rocking the All progressives Congress (APC) is deepening by the minutes as Victor Giadom has declared himself the acting national chairman of the party.
— Aka News (@AkaNewsOnline) June 17, 2020
Nigerians commented on the number of times the APC leadership had been changed in a span of 24 hours. Some described the development as proof that confusion and lack of organisation existed in the ranks of the party.
My attention has now been drawn to the fact that Victor Giadom has assumed office as Acting APC National Chairman
The Club now holds the record of sacking and hiring 3 Managers in less than 24 Hours
Even Chelsea wasn't this reckless in changing Managers.
— Ebube The Statesman (@akaebube) June 17, 2020
Many questions are aloft on what is to come in the ongoing saga. There is the question on whether Obaseki would return to APC and some asked what would become of Ajimobi that was previously announced as the APC chairman.
This plot don dey scatter o. Looks like a movie you have to beg someone to explain to you so you can better understand who did what to whom and what’s next. Wasn’t Ajimobi announced as chairman? Will Obaseki rescind his party resignation? Is Victor Giadom a new character?
— JJ. Omojuwa (@Omojuwa) June 17, 2020
Who is the chairman of apc?
Abiola Ajimobi
Victor Giadom
None of the above
All of the aboveA house built on lies and propaganda will always come crashing.
— adekola damilola (@adekoladammy) June 17, 2020
Toluwanimi Onakoya is a spirited writer, creative and videographer. Her biggest drive is to connect with people and depict tales using various forms of media.
Toluwanimi is available on Instagram and Twitter @nimi_onaks
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