
10 important health tips for every man

by Michele Borboa


Research shows that laughter reduces stress hormones, lowers blood pressure, boosts the immune system and even gives the body a fun and enjoyable cardio and abdominal workout.

1. Maintain a healthy weight:

This does not give you the green light to become the diet nag, but it is your chance to help the men in your life lose a few pounds while also improving your own health and fitness. Rally to go for walks after dinner, be excited to cook a healthier family meal, start sneaking in more family-friendly physical activity. The more positive encouragement your provide, the more likely your dad – and other loved ones – will enthusiastically approach the change to a healthier lifestyle.

2. Eat a rainbow of colors:

Kurt Warner, a two-time pro football MVP and a final competitor on Season 11 of ABC’sDancing with the Stars suggests replacing those beige foods, such as potatoes and bread, with brightly colored foods, such as fruits and vegetables. The Nutrilite Health Institute recommends 10 richly-colored servings a day.

3. Stay hydrated:

Both men and women are guilty of not guzzling enough water or other hydrating liquids every day. Consider buying the men in your life a reusable water bottle that is easy to tote and, if possible, keep it filled and ready to go for them. Our favorite is the 18-ounce Contigo Autoseal water bottles — not only are they leak-proof, they keep water cold for up to two hours, have a nifty storage compartment and will fit in vehicle cup-holders for convenient travel.

4. Find time for fitness:

There is no question that exercise is essential for the health of both adults and children. Make working out a family affair so you all benefit from physical activity. Sign up for a family membership at your local gym and schedule family workout time. Make a family rule to play outdoors or, if weather doesn’t permit something outdoors, compete on the Wii. Plan active weekend outings such as hiking or biking. Help the men in your life find time for fitness.

 5. Love to lift:

Weight lifting is the easiest way to build and sculpt muscle, increase strength and boost metabolism. And men have it easier than women because they tend to be stronger and have more muscle mass. If the special men in your life aren’t lifting, challenge them to outlift you. Friendly competition, especially against a female, is a surefire way to get men to start strength-training.

6. Chill out:

Got a Type A man in your life who spends much of the day under stress or, worse, feeling angry? Motivate him (Type A’s like to be motivated) to relax. Stress, particularly hostility, has damaging effects on the heart, and stress in general can lead to a wide range of health problems. Give – or schedule – him a massage. Encourage him to pray or meditate to ease the pressure – and do it with him to show your loving support. Plan a mini-vacation for the two of you so you can get away and relax.

7. Stay connected:

Research shows, unsurprisingly, that having close ties with others is key to maintaining good mental health. Let the men in your life know you are there for them – and prove it. Go out to coffee or for a walk every week, just to talk. Become more involved in your church or other close-knit groups to build more bridges of support for you and your loved ones. Building stronger bonds with the men in your life is good for you and for them.

8. Prioritize shut-eye:

Sleep deprivation runs rampant in our on-the-go society, yet it is one of the easiest – and most important – ways to promote good health. The National Sleep Foundation recommends adults get seven to nine hours a night. Talk up the benefits of adequate shut-eye, such as more energy, a sharper mind, improved mental health and a lower risk of getting sick. Don’t forget to add that sufficient sleep promotes weight loss and bigger muscles (granted, a healthy diet and weight training is involved). Further, if it’s your hubby that needs more sleep, give him a reason to come to bed early!

9. Laugh and laugh some more:

Isn’t laughter music to your ears? It’s also good for your health. Make a point to bring laughter into your loved ones’ lives, be it a joke, enjoying a comedy together, or even an ambush of tickling. Research shows that laughter reduces stress hormones, lowers blood pressure, boosts the immune system and even gives the body a fun and enjoyable cardio and abdominal workout. Sharing laughter also brings people together, so laugh loud and laugh often.

10. Get screened:

Encourage regular health screenings for the men in your life. Beyond the annual physical, depending on their age, men should have the following health assessments:

  • Abdominal aortic aneurysm screening
  • Bone health assessment
  • Blood pressure check
  • Cholesterol test
  • Diabetes/blood glucose test
  • Prostate cancer test
  • Colorectal cancer screening
  • Hearing and vision screening
  • Skin cancer assessment
  • Depression screening
  • STD screening
  • Dental checkup
  • Other screenings as recommended by a doctor.




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