
7 reasons NOT to rush into marriage

by  Jenny Erikson


People get married every day, and some of them even for a good reason. Of course most everyone gets married because they fall in love and want to spend the rest of their lives with each other.

Awww! So sweet. When it works out, that is. But choosing a life partner is a big effing deal, and should be treated with care. When people race to the altar before seeing if they’re compatible for more than a few months together, they’re taking a very risky gamble.

Lots of people rush that trip down the aisle in the early stages of relationship love-haze, thinking that they have a really good reason not to wait.

If you find yourself using one of these excuses in your haste to get married as soon as possible, do yourself a favor and wait it out a bit. After all, if you’re meant to spend the rest of your lives together, what’s a few more months before the wedding date in the grand scheme of things?

1. All your friends are married 

It’s hard to feel like everyone’s leaving you behind, and the pressure to couple up can be immense. Try not to forget that you’re awesome all by your own bad self!

2. Baby makes three

It’s one thing to move up a wedding date in a long-term relationship should you find yourself unexpectedly expecting. But don’t rush into it because of the baby. Divorce is going to be harder on that kid down the road than never experiencing his parents in a romantic relationship together.

3. God-sanctioned sex

Maybe it’s your religion or culture or own self-imposed virtue, but for whatever reason, you’re waiting until marriage to do the deed. And you’re sick of waiting. True love waits … you should too.

4. It’s cheaper

You don’t want to live together before you’re married, but sharing expenses is a heck of a lot cheaper. My advice is to get a roommate until you’re really sure you want a permanent roommate.

5. Your bio clock is ticking

With medical advances, women are able to successfully have kids much later in life than previous generations. And you can always adopt.

6. He threatens to leave

If he’s pressuring you to get married quickly, it might be because he wants to lock you down before you get to know him very well. If he threatens to break up with you if you don’t marry him soon, then consider yourself spared.

7. Get married or get deported

You done fell in love with a foreigner, and his visa is expiring soon. Unless you tie the knot, he’s going to get deported. Guess what? If it’s meant to be, your relationship will survive the time and space.
Do you think it’s ever a good idea to rush into marriage?


Read more in Huffiington Post


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