Prophecy predicts that the next Pope will be the last before the end of the world [DETAILS]


The 12th century bishop of Armagh, Saint Malachy predicted that the next pope will be the last before the coming of Christ and the time of the end.

After the announcement this week that Pope Benedict XVI will resign at the end of February because of ill health there has been much speculation as to who the next pope will be.

Malachy, born in 1094 A.D. in Armagh, Ireland, died as he had predicted on November 2, 1148 in Clairvaux, France. He was canonized the first Irish Saint by Pope Clement III in 1190 A.D.

Whilst he was on a visit to Rome he had a vision of all the popes who would ever reign. He gave each of the popes a short title or verse supposed to tell what kind of Pope he would be. The last 4 popes are named as below:

  1. Of the Half Moon. JOHN PAUL I. 1978-1978
  2. The Labor of the Son. JOHN PAUL II. 1978-2005
  3. The Glory of the Olive. BENEDICT XVI 2005 – PRESENT
  4. PETER THE ROMAN – MARCH 2013? – ????

 The last prophecy states, “In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Petrus Romanus, who will feed his flock amid many tribulations; after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people. The End.” 

On his last trek to the holy see in Rome, in 1148, Malachy accurately predicted the place and time of his own death: Clairvaux, France, on All Souls Day, November 2, of that same year.

The Malachy Prophecies were first published in 1595, by a Benedictine monk & historian named Arnold de Wyon, who found them 5 years earlier in the Vatican archives. Arnold recorded them in his book, entitled: ‘Lignum Vitæ’.

The prophecies of the Irish saint Malachy, the 12th century bishop of Armagh have thrilled and dismayed readers for centuries. He has stated there will be only one more pope after Benedict, and during his reign comes the end of the world.

So will Benedict’s successor be the last pope? Only time will tell if the Irish Saint was correct in his visions of the future popes.


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  1. Honestly i dnt knw wat 2 say buh if it is true, may God grant me his grace cus am a terrible sinner. Is only by his grace that i can make heaven.

  2. Not even d son of man "JESUS"knoweth d time dat it will happen…I disagree with this prophesy, cos God can't lie,and his word standeth sure….so if he say de coming of christ will be like a thief in d night, dats ow it will be….So let's all just be prepared cos it myt be 2day.

    1. If you had googled it up,you wld known that the catholic church denounced the prophecy and called it forgery. There has been irregularities in the prophecy too.

    2. If at all the prophecy is true,there was space left for many popes after benedict xvi before the last pope.

    3. The thing is,you guys love to and ve strength to attack anything connected to the catholic faith especially without necessary and proper research.

    4. How can same church that has been preaching the unknown end time thousands of years now, will come to say someone prophesied the same end time. How possible is this? This piece is trash and void.

  3. “Even Jesus christ did’nt tell us when world will come to an end stop decieving yourselve he stated i don’t know d day nor hour,but be watchful he could come like a thief in d night.Jesus is d father of all d popes except d catholic church will say otherwise.Jesus christ is lord”.

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