In high school they tell you to get the best college education possible. Your dreams are limitless. You can go as far as you want to and go to the best schools. But what they don’t tell you is that certain degrees may be more of a waste of money than you would think.
If a student were to go to a college, such as Harvard, for an M.B.A., they would spend almost $174,000 for their two years there. Think of what someone could do with that much money. Those who get accepted to business schools for the M.B.A. degree already have experience and skills in the market. Going to business school may seem prestigious, but sadly, most business teachers these days are rewarded for writing articles on business, not teaching students. The school’s admin cares if you do well, but only because it makes the school look good in national rankings.
If you had as much money as you were about to spend on an M.B.A., think about what that money could get. You could live comfortably in the area of your choosing and still have a huge chunk of money left to invest in yourself and in your future. You can have a cushion while you go out looking for the perfect job, or while youstart your own business.
If you still want to take business classes, think about OpenClassWare or Coursera. These are free classes that you can take online that will help you to understand the field that you are entering. You can take the knowledge from these classes and apply it to networking and starting up a business. Networking is extremely important as people in a related field can open a lot of doors for you if you can market yourself right.
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