When someone asks you a favour, if your reply is “I sadly don’t have the money. I haven’t even paid for X”, you expect empathy, even sympathy, right?
But when you ask a favour of someone, and the person replies, “I am so sorry, I don’t have the time,” have you caught yourself judging that person – refusing to believe that a rich or powerful or famous or whatever person might actually truly be starved of time?
You don’t have money. They don’t have time. Both of you are lacking something crucial, that needs understanding, patience, wisdom.
Why don’t you give of it the same way you wish to receive of it?
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Chude Jideonwo is host of the TV and radio network #WithChude, which is creating safe spaces for conversations about mental, emotional and spiritual health across Africa. He is also co-founder of human flourishing company, Joy, Inc.
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