Mondays are dreadful, we know; we all have our personalised Monday motivational quotes that we say to ourselves as we get out of bed and prepare for what the week will bring in.
It is another Monday, and we understand that you would rather lay in bed and continue your weekend break, even if for just a few hours of sleep, but capitalism is a force to be reckoned with, and no one will pay for our luxuries.
According to a 2014 research report, 66% of people experience ‘Sunday Blues’ as it is an instance caused by thoughts of the resumption on the next day.
“More than one-third of this age group (25-34) stated that they had to give themselves a pep talk to get themselves in the right mindset to face Monday at work,” the report reads.
5 Ways To Get The Best Of Your Week
We know how tedious it is to have to cut your sleep short as you prepare for the long hours soon to be spent at work, and because we know this all too well, we have combined a list of ways that you can get the best of your week despite battling capitalism.
- Consider having breakfast
We know it may seem like you are late for work, and you would probably catch brunch or lunch at work, but getting your breakfast will give you the energy you need to have a healthy day.
You do not have to eat right after you wake up; that is not advisable.
However, having breakfast boosts your mood; as you know, ‘breakfast is the most important meal of the day.’
- Dress in comfortable clothing
Wearing a comfortable yet suitable outfit that you like will help enhance your emotions. To brighten your mood, you should wear colourful clothing, and your favourite shoes.
You can select your outfit from the night before to avoid confusion. Wear your nicest perfume, as these things will boost your mood as you go through the day.
- Make your next week’s To-Do list from Friday
Getting into the weekend may be your favourite time to kick back and relax from the stress of the week’s weary tasks; however, before you get into your weekend routine, write down your to-do list for Monday.
Whatever you need to do for the next week will be on your mind, so writing down these things will set you on a focused path when Monday does come.
- Build a morning routine
Adopting a morning routine may help you have a healthy week, as it will likely put you in a good mood before leaving home. Examples of a morning routine could be brewing coffee or tea, taking a stroll, going for a quick jog, exercising or meditating.
- Plan for a fun activity towards the weekend
Planning for fun activities solo or with your friends will give you something to look forward to by the week’s end—perhaps a picnic or a night out with friends and family.
Thinking about what lies in store for you will likely boost your mood and get you through the week positively as you wait in anticipation of the weekend.
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