
“I was the greatest fool to have married Ayo Adesanya” – Ex-husband laments

by Oge Okonkwo


Omogoriola Hassan, former husband of popular Nollywood actress, Ayo Adesanya, who is a movie producer and an actor, talked about his relationship with Ayo and the lessons he learnt from it, in an interview with Encomium magazine.

Speaking of his experience, he said marrying Ayo was like boarding a ‘one-chance’ vehicle and how he was blinded by love. Here is what he told the magazine:

“The biggest lesson I learnt was not to trust anyone. The person you trust may eventually disappoint. Then I was the greatest fool but today I am the wisest and happiest. Marrying Ayo then was like boarding a ‘one-chance’ vehicle. It was like I could never come across a woman I can love like that not knowing I was just being foolish. If not that she had a baby for me, I would have revealed a lot about her. Will just keep them to myself in the interest of our son. But I was agitated when I read that she wants to remove the tattoo on her hand bearing our logo – No Fear. She is free to do but what about the one on her ass where my name was written bold, Omogoriola Hassan? How is she going to remove that? That is stupid of her. If at all you don’t like someone again, that doesn’t mean you need to go to that extent. But believe me she’s still thinking about me because if she’s not she wouldn’t be thinking about removing my tattoos on her body.

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  1. Men should always learn to be matured & move-on.

  2. dats ao it apen, @time bt mr hassan i realy like u more wat u said abt ayo, cus if u divoce her she wil also wnt to 4get u. She wil remove d tatoo as she does with r hand

  3. This guy sound childish

  4. My God! D dude sounded like a scorned lover! Belif me he is the one with the problem! He even looks like a ragooo! So immature with his statements! Sounds sooo irresponsible! I blame Ayo for marrying him faaaa

  5. Mr Hassan abi wetin u call urself, seems u’r the one with the problem. About those tatoos, all she needs is just a Split thinkness skin grafting (STSG). She won’t even know u existed. *pu*kass*

  6. Guy, is the tattoo removal that seem ur headsche, please it shows how selfish u are! Now u are lamenting painting her Black, what about u, what did u do to warrant her wanting no more of u, she was ur 2nd or 3rd wife right? Get ur acts together joor, Tattoo on her ass! She will remove it thesame way she got it in the first place!

  7. Dude sounds like a scorned lover

  8. Non-sense

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