“The Legend of the Vagabond Queen of Lagos” starring Mr Macaroni (Debo Adedayo), Temi Ami-Williams and Teniola Aladese, is scheduled for a world premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) 2024.
Directed and written by the Agbajowo Collective, the movie spotlights heavily on themes of governmental policies and their effect on the people.
The thriller film narrates the story of a young, poor mother from the slums of Lagos State who comes across lots of blood money designated for a luxury estate set to be built in her environs. She is faced with temptation as she considers her next path.
The “Agbajowo Collective” is made up of youth from slums and a dedicated team of professionals, namely A.S. Elijah, James Tayler, Bisola Akinmuyiwa, Ogungbamila Temitope, Tina Edukpo, Okechukwu Samuel, and Mathew Cerf.
Ayomitide Adeyinka is a content writer, crypto journalist and editor with a Bsc in Political Science. He is also an egalitarian.
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