by Charu Sharma Love him or hate him, but you can't ignore him - yes, we are talking about the man of your life. He's probably the most loving…
Read Moreby Examiner The majority of the times about 80 percent is you are an average guy you are going to fall in this Category which if you have done your…
Read Moreby Crystal Crowder I don't think it's fair to ask a guy or a girl to live up to standards you can't meet yourself. For instance, if you want a…
Read Moreby Nina Bahadur From revealing romantic feelings for a friend to crafting a spiffy e-opener, catching the interest of someone you'd like to date can be hard. (Seriously, we sympathize…
Read Moreby Nina Bahadur Whether or not you're happy being single, the process of dating is stressful and things rarely work out immediately. Dating is a complicated venture. Much as we…
Read Moreby Holly Riordan First, figure out his exact schedule. Next, turn a corner at the same time that he does so that you collide. Make sure you have a stack…
Read Moreby Reshmi AR You are the hottest chick in town and your popularity is at its peak in the college. And when that's the situation, you know how easy it…
Read Moreby Eddie Cuffin There comes a point in every relationship when you get comfortable with your partner; you enjoy his company and don’t see yourself without him. However, you still…
Read Moreby Anna Breslaw Like a bird-watching guide but for men. 1. Hollister Hot. This guy could have been an extra on The O.C.back in the day. He talks about the difference…
Read Moreby Kiri Blakeley Sometimes it's hard to know why you're still with someone who isn't good for you.Intellectually, you may be saying to yourself, "I need to end this relationship," but…
Read Moreby Alicia Fannin Your confidence is most likely the top personality trait that makes you attractive to your guy. There is something about a woman that is self-assured that men…
Read Moreby Jenny Erikson People get married every day, and some of them even for a good reason. Of course most everyone gets married because they fall in love and want to…
Read MoreBy Greg Ighodaro Girls are not easy to understand. No wonder it becomes very confusing for a normal guy to find out, if a girl is interested or otherwise. However…
Read Moreby Sedusa A little harmless flirting with a couple of other boys in the entourage will definitely make you seem all the more appealing. Remember the forbidden fruit theory. 1.…
Read Moreby Holly Riordan When your crush tells you how beautiful you look, it’s hard not to smile. But if he compliments other girls as well, it’ll make you wonder if…
Read MoreJordin Keim Text flirting is a lot of fun, but the problem with texting is that fact that you can't convey tone. Make sure that all of the words you…
Read Moreby David Ingber Everyone in the office is going for drinks tonight; you in?” David asked Reena hopefully, having sat next to her for four months with no idea of…
Read Moreby Gossip Queen Whenever you are spending time with the guy of your dreams, make sure you get suddenly happy for no reason whatsoever and surprise him with a sudden…
Read Moreby Diana Jone If you want to use all the secret weapons to make a memorable first impression, be sure to wear either of these man magnet perfumes. 1. Use Secret…
Read Moreby Diana Jone Guys often use this strategy to mask their real emotions and convince you that everything is OK 1. He Repeatedly Likes and Shares Your Posts on Facebook…
Read MoreSimone Becchetti-Getty Images Do you flirt on Facebook? Do you sext? Do you kiss women who are not your wife or girlfriend and consider it a perfectly innocent act? If…
Read Moreby Meghna Mukherjee When most women flirt for the first time, they get all worked up about it. This in turn makes them look ridiculously hyper. Relax and be calm. Flirting…
Read Moreby Heather Jensen What about his attempts to impress you? Does he do this all of the time? That's another great way to tell if he is flirting with you!…
Read Moreby Elle Gibbons When it comes to flirting, where you might think you’re acting coy, he probably thinks you just don’t like him very much. Ah, the subtle art of…
Read Moreby Mike Zimmerman madamenoire. The world is full of sexy women, and all of us have felt the urge to stray, even just for one night. Here's why staying faithful…
Read Moreby Mary Beth Sammons It's Internet flirting that's dangerous, she says, because it transforms and intensifies quickly into the kind of connection that truly threatens a committed relationship: "an emotional…
Read MoreFrom DFTM Women are attracted to men with self-confidence, period. There is a huge difference between the guys who get girls on a consistent basis and the one's who just…
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