Tag: relationship

May 20, 2014

Opinion: Ladies, it’s called a relationship not ‘prostitutionship’

by Tete Timon Tamaran Dating has also adopted this status, something similar to the defunct trade by barter system. A ...

May 15, 2014

Demola Rewaju: Dear sister, until you say yes, there is no relationship (Y! Superblogger)

by Demola Rewaju Don’t give him the impression that you’re dating him when in actual fact you’re just using him ...

May 8, 2014

From the ladies: 9 ways men impress us on the first date

by Cassandra Sardo Ladies, you want to make sure that your date knows you are an interesting, beautiful, and worthwhile ...

May 4, 2014

5 things you can learn from her ex

by Varun Swasthi   The mere mention of her ex may trigger enough emotions in you to start a fire, ...

May 3, 2014

7 reasons why dating a friend may work

by Alison Bryant Do you think that you could never date a friend? It can actually avoid a lot of ...

May 1, 2014

3 categories women put you in even before you meet

by Examiner The majority of the times about 80 percent is you are an average guy you are going to ...

April 28, 2014

7 benefits of being in a relationship with an older man

by Cris Evert Lato Ruffolo When you are in a relationship with an older man, be prepared to be placed on ...

April 27, 2014

‘He’d rather be single’: 11 reasons why guys dump their girlfriends

by Frank Kobola Sometimes relationships start out great and don’t go anywhere. Maybe there was no spark in the beginning, ...

April 26, 2014

9 signs you might need to lower your dating standards

by Crystal Crowder I don’t think it’s fair to ask a guy or a girl to live up to standards ...

April 26, 2014

Stop it! 9 things that’ll NEVER get you a good woman

by Nina Bahadur From revealing romantic feelings for a friend to crafting a spiffy e-opener, catching the interest of someone ...

April 25, 2014

‘Everybody plays games’: 6 unspoken rules of dating

by Nina Bahadur  Whether or not you’re happy being single, the process of dating is stressful and things rarely work ...

April 25, 2014

9 questions you wish you could ask your spouse anonymously

by  Kelsey Borresen Good communication in a romantic relationship (or any relationship, for that matter) is key. But let’s face it: ...

April 25, 2014

11 things MOST men do in secret

by Frank Kobola Beware: most of these involve their junk. 1. Hang a towel off their penises.  The shower isn’t ...

April 24, 2014

Azuka Onwuka: The Igbos and Yorubas need to cooperate for rapid development

by Azuka Onwuka  The Igbo and Yoruba are unarguably the most competitive in Nigeria. They are the ethnic groups that ...

April 23, 2014

35 signs he’s NOT boyfriend material

by Ashley McDonald You’re constantly apologizing for his tool behavior. So you’ve been having a little fun with a guy ...

April 23, 2014

7 things you SHOULD know about men for a lasting relationship

by Heather Williams Men are complicated creatures, and there are things to know about men that can make all that ...

April 23, 2014

Watch it! 5 signs your lover is checking out of the relationship

by Anna Bella  If you are put down more often than built up, especially in front of others, this shows ...

April 22, 2014

4 ways to know he has placed you in the ‘friend zone’

by JB So yes, if you’re attracted to someone, it’s always good to know EXACTLY if he’s into you or ...

April 22, 2014

4 steps for making love… in the kitchen

by JB Once you’re booked in and all distractions are off, then it’s on with the chef’s hat and out ...

April 22, 2014

7 flirting moves that just don’t work in real life

by Holly Riordan First, figure out his exact schedule. Next, turn a corner at the same time that he does ...

April 22, 2014

Meet the 3 kinds of unavailable men

by Meghna Mukherjee There are all kinds of men that you find in this world — some are good, while some ...

April 22, 2014

4 sexual partners who will probably end up cheating on you

by Krystle Crossman There are signs that men can exhibit in bed that may give you a glimpse into whether they ...

April 19, 2014

Identify your needs: 3 things you (probably) want in your relationship

by Anna Bella It would be fairly unusual to have a couple who wanted exactly the same thing at the ...

April 19, 2014

‘Don’t keep secrets…’: 12 relationship rules you should definitely ignore

by Amy Odell Make sure you have alone time that doesn’t just consist of him sitting next to you while ...

April 14, 2014

Listen & learn: 11 men you must NEVER court

by Reshmi AR You are the hottest chick in town and your popularity is at its peak in the college. ...

April 14, 2014

Demola Rewaju: Dear sister, here are 9 signs you’re taking your jealousy too far (Y! Superblogger)

by Demola Rewaju  We men like our independence and when you choke a man and he seems to succumb, he’s ...

April 13, 2014

Top 10 oral sex tricks you should know

by Health Me Up  Look your woman in the eye, reassure her with your look that you are there just ...

April 12, 2014

30 things you should STOP doing to yourself

by Marc and Angel   Doing something and getting it wrong is at least ten times more productive than doing ...

April 11, 2014

Sandra Nwadi: Let me tell you about my first kiss (Poetry)

by Sandra Nwadi That first kiss. I do remember candidly, The exact feelings that welled up.  The Twittering, chirruping  Butterflies. My ...

April 6, 2014

12 things guys think about losing their virginity

by Frank Kobola Should I tell her I’m a virgin? I probably should’ve done that before my penis was inches from ...

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