Tag: #YNaijaMandelaSpecial

#YNaijaMandelaSpecial: “It felt wonderful to shake Mandela’s hand” – 9 questions for 9ice on his 2008 performance

by Seun Oluyemi In 2008, musician 9ice was one of the performers from across the world who performed at the 90th birthday anniversary of Nelson Mandela – representing Nigeria. He…

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Editors’ pick: Our best 20 tributes to Nelson Mandela

by Emmanuel Osanedum and Mark Amaza From those who would preserve the myth because it comforts the world to those who insist he was all too human, these 20 assessments of…

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#YNaijaMandelaSpecial: We are now on our own, by Wilfred Okiche

by Wilfred Okiche A young African, Wilfred Okiche captures the sense that the ground has finally shifted under Africa with Mandela’s death and he wonders how we will go from…

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#YNaijaMandelaSpecial: “What have you wrought, Nelson Mandela?”, by Dele Olojede

by Dele Olojede How come we went from Nelson Mandela to Jacob Zuma in 10 years flat, like a racing car in reverse, asks Dele Olojede Why is it that…

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