
“The massacre of Chinua’s people in Kano” – Soyinka, J.P Clark hit hard


by Isi Esene

Literary icons, Professor Wole Soyinka and J.P Clark have reportedly linked the death of renowned writer, Professor Chinua Achebe to the Kano bomb blast which killed several people at a bus park on Monday.

In a press statement jointly released by both highly respected writers, they noted that Achebe’s death might have been hastened by the news of the “massacre of Chinua’s people in Kano.”

The statement reads thus: “For us, the loss of Chinua Achebe is, above all else, intensely personal. We have lost a brother, a colleague, a trailblazer and a doughty fighter.

“Of the ‘pioneer quartet’ of contemporary Nigerian literature, two voices have been silenced – one, of the poet Christopher Okigbo, and now, the novelist Chinua Achebe.

“It is perhaps difficult for outsiders of that intimate circle to appreciate this sense of depletion, but we take consolation in the young generation of writers to whom the baton has been passed, those who have already creatively ensured that there is no break in the continuum of the literary vocation.

“We need to stress this at a critical time of Nigerian history, where the forces of darkness appear to overshadow the illumination of existence that literature represents.

“These are forces that arrogantly pride themselves implacable and brutal enemies of what Chinua and his pen represented, not merely for the African continent, but for humanity.

“Indeed, we cannot help wondering if the recent insensate massacre of Chinua’s people in Kano, only a few days ago, hastened the fatal undermining of that resilient will that had sustained him so many years after his crippling accident.”

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  1. meanwhile,may de soul of de departed legendary writer,chinua achebe rest in perfect peace.amen.

  2. u r a fulish fanatic zainab or wateva u call god of israel will continue 2 expose u n ur arab murderers.long live soyinka n co.

  3. Shameless how can anyone link the death of Ached to the bomb blash in Kano. Who says that the people who died are only ibos. Instead of theses two old men proper solution they want to instigate more killing and the Govt is keeping quite instead cautioning them because Nurse Clark is their kinsman. Nigeria Youth becareful with two men who have lived their lives to the fullness, they are sad people because old age has catch them, beware also when instigate you guys they will not be in the fore front when the war start.

  4. TRIBUTE TO CHINUA ACHEBE The great icon is gone the lion of write is gone a voice is now silent there is a big sunset RIP CHINUA

  5. R.I.P dear way paver ur woks will leave forever…

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