As various reactions and responses continue to trail President Trump’s warning of North Korea, historians and analysts have come to say, the statement, “North Korea would experience fire and fury like the world has never seen if it continued threatening the United States” was a remarkable escalation of military rhetoric with little precedence in the modern era.
Trump’s furious remarks can be related to a former President, Harry S. Truman, who, in 1945 announced that the United States had dropped a nuclear bomb on Hiroshima, and urged the Japanese to surrender, otherwise, “they may expect a rain of ruin from the air, the like of which has never been seen on this earth.”
It is yet unclear clear whether President Trump intended his remarks as no disclosure can be seen from the White House over the level of preparation as regards the threat.
Michael Beschloss, a presidential historian said, “It’s hard to think of a president using more extreme language during a crisis like this before.
“Presidents usually try to use language that is even more moderate than what they may be feeling in private because they’ve always been worried that their language might escalate a crisis.”
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