UNICEF Appoints Cobhams Asuquo, WAJE, Kate Henshaw, and Ali Nuhu as Champions for Child Rights Advocacy

In a proactive move towards championing child rights, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has designated four prominent figures from the entertainment industry – Cobhams Asuquo, WAJE, Kate Henshaw, and Ali Nuhu – as UNICEF Champions. These notable personalities will play a pivotal role in advocating for child rights over the course of the next year.

UNICEF’s decision to appoint these accomplished music producers, musicians, and film actors underlines the organization’s commitment to amplifying the discourse surrounding child rights in Nigeria. The champions will serve as influential voices, lending their platforms to address a diverse range of issues concerning children, including healthcare, education, nutrition, child protection, and sanitation.

Ms. Cristian Munduate, UNICEF’s Representative in Nigeria, expressed her enthusiasm for the collaboration, highlighting the remarkable potential of these artists to shed light on critical matters through the power of their influence. The champions’ dedication and passion for the cause are anticipated to significantly enhance awareness and urgency regarding the ongoing challenges faced by children.

In a recent statement issued in Abuja, Munduate affirmed that the champions’ impact will be multidimensional, as they utilize their artistry and storytelling prowess to catalyze positive change. Through music, film, and public engagement, the collaboration aspires to resonate deeply with the public, foster fresh perspectives, and motivate concrete actions towards improving children’s lives.

Cobhams Asuquo, WAJE, Kate Henshaw, and Ali Nuhu will actively participate in a series of initiatives and campaigns designed to uphold and safeguard the fundamental rights of every child. By aligning their influence with UNICEF’s mission, these champions will undoubtedly contribute to the broader goal of ensuring children’s survival, growth, development, and protection.

This strategic partnership between UNICEF and these accomplished entertainers carries the potential to drive substantial changes in societal attitudes and policies, paving the way for a more secure and nurturing environment for Nigeria’s children.

As they step into their roles, the world will be watching to witness the tangible impact these champions will make on the lives of the country’s most vulnerable citizens.

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