by Peniel Plus
“We need N1 Billion from ten (10) people, If you are one of them, please see my personal Secretary after we finish today. We also need N100million from those who can afford it, if you are in that category, please see my personal Secretary as well….
Let’s put our minds into any gad***n church, any gad***n mosque, any gad***n Celestical (Celestial), including Sera-FUM (Seraphim) and Cheru-BUM (Cherubim). And you non-Christians, listen to me with open mind”NO
Two nights ago, I took a break from research work, decided to watch news on local television and catch up with goings-on in the polity. After the news, I was not quite enjoying an old movie flick, ‘Broken Arrow’ featuring John Travolta and Christian Slater, being shown on one of the stations and decided to flip to another station. My remote control took me to the 61st Annual Convention of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) and I was just too happy to catch up with the Convention in my living room. Anointing can be anywhere, if faith is exuded like the Centurion.
Then before sermon, General Overseer of RCCG, Pastor Adeboye made a special announcement. The church is to build a new auditorium, stretching 3km in length and width, and four times the size of the present auditorium, to accommodate many more parishioners, before next year’s convention. Everyone was naturally excited, particularly those who get to camp ground late and cannot be seated in the present auditorium. Then Pastor Adeboye shocked me with the following pronouncement:
“We need N1 Billion from ten (10) people, If you are one of them, please see my personal Secretary after we finish today. We also need N100million from those who can afford it, if you are in that category, please see my personal Secretary as well. Nonetheless, we need everyone’s involvement. If you can afford N50million, N20million, N5million, N1million to as low as N100, kindly make sure you participate. How many of you will build for the Lord?” All hands naturally went up in delirium.
I could not believe my eyes. I should not bother myself with how a church raises money to finance projects but a dangerous trend is being set and we are made to believe if we cannot ‘donate’ a certain amount of money, we cannot see Daddy G.O.’s personal Secretary. Such ‘privilege’ is for those that can donate handsomely for the work of God. Assuming a rich man in the Convention donates N1Billion effortlessly and a widow, whose next source of meal is unsure, donates her last N100; who among the two should see Pastor Adeboye’s personal Secretary? Well the answer lies in Luke 21:1-4 and Mark 12:41-44, where Jesus Christ acknowledged the poor widow who donated two copper coins (mite) over the rich donors and said “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on”.
How do we begin to justify asking members of a congregation to donate such a huge amount of money when poverty is smiling at most of the country’s citizens? The last time they were told to donate generously for the Lord towards a University project, as ordained by God, they all gladly did. The sad thing is atN510,000 per session for College of Humanities (100L & 200L), N520 for Management Science students and N550 for Natural Sciences students; Redeemer’s University is not for a Redeemer whose minimum wage is around N18,000. So they have contributed to a project, believing they are sowing for God, yet cannot send their wards/kids to such schools. Interestingly, many of the Pastors (and church leaders) running private Universities today, all enjoyed free education (absolutely free, including free lunch of Rice and Chicken – every Sunday) under Awolowo’s magnanimity. Education is now for rich members only but poor members are not exempt from donations. Hmmmm!
If the project was for research on AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, I would not bat an eyelid. If it was for national fight against Polio eradication in Nigeria like the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation in Africa, we would see the immediate benefits. If it was some sort of entrepreneurial aid to jobless youths, we would feel the impact as a nation. In spite of Bill and Melinda Gates contributions to Polio eradication, Nigeria remains the only African country (not Rwanda, not Mali, not Somalia or Sudan) where Polio is endemic and she shares this feat with Pakistan and Afghanistan. Interestingly, Pakistan reduced the number of polio cases from 198 in 2011 to 56 in 2012; Afghanistan saw a decrease from 80 to 35 during the same period, however, Nigeria increased from 62 in 2011 to 119 in 2012.
In 2013, The Gates foundation committed a fresh $1.8 Billion to the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) out of the $5.5 Billion required. Britain contributed $457 million, Canada donated $250 million while $240 million came from Norway. Even the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahayan donated $120 million. Remarkably, these donations from foreign countries are geared towards solving the Polio scourge in 3 countries, Nigeria included. Foreigners help us to fight major health challenges while our idea of development is in gigantic buildings to be used once or twice a month for religious purposes. Our own priority in Nigeria isowning jets, breaking heads with mace, fighting for 2015 elections and building bigger auditoriums. Is it not clear why we are not developing as a country?
The message I got from the pulpit was clear, concise and profound. It does not matter where the N1 Billion comes from, provided it is donated for God’s work. Ever wonder why it is difficult for Pastors and General Overseers to condemn those who have looted our treasury? Recall when Cecelia Ibru and Erastus Akingbola had front row seats at major religious conventions in Nigeria? Did any Pastor speak against their deeds, like Nathan confronted and condemned King David in 2 Samuel 12? The subtle message is clear: “we need your money for the work of God and it does not matter how you get it”. Those who have sincerely worked hard for their wealth will only donate to worthy causes such as Aliko Dangote did when he announced a relief fund contribution of N2.5 Billion to the relief effort of flood victims in 2012.
- So many churches in Nigeria have big auditoriums, yet the level of violence, ethnic hatred, treasury looting and corruption alarmingly increases in a directly proportionate way to the number of churches/mosques available. As a country, we do not need larger auditoriums but men with larger hearts (including me) with genuine love for his/her neighbour. I have been taught to obey and respect authority, more so clergy (that’s why Pastors are ‘gods’ here). I will never say Pastor Adeboye is wrong but in my honest opinion, he chose a wrong approach.
The opening quote is an expression in one of Fela’s songs. If only we can all have open minds, we may yet realise that what we need in Nigeria are religious leaders who can speak out against evil without mincing words. Excuse me please, I have to find my own N1 Billion now, so I can have pastoral access. Shalom!
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I am amazed at the use of words by these people . I am yet to read Moslems firing each other bullets of unloving responses . Leave God to remain the only Judge. Thank you all and Agape
I mercy for your level of ignorance and the gut you have to talk against an anointed man of God! HOW DARE YOU!…If you like to live long and not suffer a deadly disease in the next few months, which may be unavoidable regardless of how much you pray, you better find a way to apologize and repent of your foolishness. You Sir, are not the GOD who called him, so leave whatever he’s doing alone and let GOD BE THE JUDGE! Enough said!
”i no fit sedon look again” about the problem of Nigeria. I need to ACT now as in: Attack Cancer Together(ACT) which is affecting Nigeria.
Hmm… so, why do you care about who sees G.O.s personal secretary??
So you read the entire article and that’s the only thing your brain absorbed?
God save Nigeria abeg.
Well said.
A 3km auditorium is just plain vanity. Is the Bassilica dat big? Doesn’t d Pope celebrate mass under the sun? If the Pope was to build an auditorium to accomodate all catholics, Rome wouldn’t be enough.
But why not have 3 or 4 auditoriums accross Nigeria and let the “blessing and annointing” go round instead of causing go-slow for us in Lagos.
Well said
You are just the perfect description of Judas in John 12:1-6.
"All you said was not because you care for the poor, but because you are a THIEF….John 12:6".
You better repent before what came upon JUDAS becomes your lot.
You are not concerned about the poor, you are only concerned about your selfish motive (insulting men of God).
The call is for only people that have the heart of (MARY in John 12:3).
1 thing i quest 4 is how our religious wud spk d thruth! Let dem tel our bad leaders dat wrath is upon them.
I liked ur mail and shared ur opinion until I saw this: RCCG spends N433M on communities (please check it out)Please let us be objective and open minded, RCCG no be FG oh!
Bros nice point of view, but I think it is better for men of God to see pple who donate huge sums of money for church projects. It is true some people are genuinely wealthy in every sense of the word whereas some have ill-gotten wealth yet would want to to be relevant in the church…I am of the opinion dt Pst Adeboye knows d amount is huge but personal assessment shld be carried out on every major donor in d church..but he’s starting with d major ones..God bless
I don't think we should be too quick to castigate people or decisions quickly.We should always try to investigate and find out why some things are being done……The church I believe contributes to a lot to research on AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria etc which usually people don't announce.However, didn't Solomon do more than this as was recorded in the bible and not all Israelite s were rich then.I don't see anything wrong in building a bigger auditorium to contain more people.
I was made to understand that the current auditorium couldn't contain people any longer and people were beaten by rain and sun, hence the need for a bigger one.
If you have the money to contribute to the church of God building, do it and if not don't castigate others doing it.
Above all none will take any of these things away with us when we die.And no matter what there will always be poor people in this world.There will always be diseases et all.Do you actually think you or one man can erase all these things.
We need to do away with sentiments when we hear things like this and investigate.See things yourself, ask questions why before drawing any conclusions.This church RCCG, is doing so many wonderful services to alleviate the plights of men in the world but nobody talks or announces it. (One I heard about from my younger sister that attended one of the parishes years back; after Nysc she was without job and till she got a job the church was supporting her and others with 15,000 naira a month).Have u heard something like that before.Its only the ones that the devil allows to sound bad in our ears that we react on.
Above all, even if the money comes from the pit of hell, its God battle to fight.We should all stop fighting Gods battles as am sure God can fight for himself!
Investigate and ask proper questions before you react.
Sir,u are right. I’m not against the work of GOd though,but the argument is crystal clear and constructive.I will only appeal to our religious leader to justify this argument not on personal sentiment,but accoding to the WORD of God. And I believe the lord will minister to them.
I heard Pastor Adeboye say that even if it's 1 Naira, It's not too small. Everybody should partake in the building of the new auditorium but he did start from 1 billion to 100 Million etc. I heard him live! . I don't see anything wrong in what he's done. God will use human beings to build his house. He won't rain down money from heaven. When Nehemiah wanted to build the walls of Jerusalem, he contacted everyone. Even the kings who were gentiles participated in the building. Pastor Adeboye has not forced anyone to donate 1 billion, it is a voluntary thing. There are people who have Godly riches and 1 Billion isn't a big deal to them. If anyone wants to donate money that he got through illegitimate means, that's between him and God and God will surely judge. Yes, I do agree-world class hospitals to give free medical services but when people go for church programmes and they have no space to sit and turn the roads into seats, you have to provide where to sit. I guess that's the reason for a new auditorium. Not for show off. Necessity is the mother of invention.
Dear Author, u belive u knw but u dnt. U jst wrote plenty nothing
He has expressed his view. The view is not new. Many have expressed the same or similar view over the years. I agree partly with what he said. I agree that churches should raise funds for worthy causes not just to build auditorium! I look forward to when churches would raise money to build world class hospitals to provide free medicals for cancer patients!
The author is sane, but fearful of man. He has spoken the truth, and may God bless him for his courage.
This articles has brought out some real salient points as regard religion, Christianity in perspective through comments. I’ve been able to glean some highlights and perceptions of most churchgoers. From comments on this article; I ve come to understand that most churchgoers don’t understand the concept of Christianity. Christ was solely concerned about the well-being of the people and how they can live well among themselves.
The destruction of the Temple’s marketplace by Christ: one of the places where he was forced to exhibit a negative human trait in the Bible shows how much trading or commerce generally in the house of God cannot be tolerated. Needless to talk about the way and manner by which Christ himself and the apostles after him went about the ministry. Selflessness and individual enlightenment is the core of Christ’s Ministry. If the Gospel of Christ simply means love and our effortless job as Christians is to love God and our neighbours as buttressed in the parable of the good Samaritan, then that should be our Gospel too as Christians.
I don’t believe neither do I support Church projects that is geared towards profit making. I’ve read comments on church giving scholarships, rehabilitating some selected group of persons, building hospitals and other facilities. But the question that keep resounding without answer is where is the church getting its funding?
A businessman collects loan from the bank and built a facility for profit making, the poor can’t afford this facility and they cried to God, the Church responds by collecting offerings from the rich and poor alike to build a facility to cater to the needs of all, yet the poor still can’t afford it. Is this not baffling? That there is no difference between the businessman and the church? Well, sorry, I think there is a difference between the businessman and the church. The businessman might need bank loan which kind of serves as incentive to pursue profit, but the church on the other hand collects from the masses. Can somebody tell me what incentive the church has to pursue profit monetarily?
My people, I’m not a follower of men of God because I don’t believe in any of those bullshits, most especially if it doesn’t tally with what I’ve come to understand with the faith I profess. Jesus Christ was not religious and he came and taught us about who the Father is and how God himself is not religious. His dealings with the Pharisees of his time shows this clearly. So when men starts wearing cloaks and capes and starts calling themselves names I think that calls for some wariness in the part of those who understand the teachings of Christ.
I’m not interested in the schools, hospitals, and other social facilities the church built. I’m not interested in the scholarships, free healthcare or other community services the church renders; because critically we are the church and what we choose to do with what we have is totally up to us.
The Church will not build without offerings and Tithes; the Church will not give without offerings and Tithes. Since the church in itself has no inheritance and survives solely on the offerings and tithes of the masses in the same veins it has no right to make profit from any venture it undertakes.
My reply to those saying the church has been helping the masses through its facilities. The sole responsibility of the church is to feed the sheep of Christ spiritually like the priest of old not to involve in commerce and industry.
If Enoch Adeboye is truly the priest of God called to serve and feed the sheep of Christ as he claims then he will know better than to embark on a spritually failed project of 3km church auditorium. And if I may ask, “of what spritual importance is this gigantic auditorium he proposed”?
I’m sorry,please but I think this article has no basis.Ur saying everyone can’t see d personal secretary??That’s ur bias?Should everyone be able to see the personal secretary??Have u thought about that for just one moment? Is it absolutely necessary or even possible?How many believers attend RCCG?? I do not attend RCCG but Isn’t it more rational to process the larger funds and go into building immediately before the rest of the funds have been counted and appropriately processed??I think this article was simply written to criticize. An empty crticism!!I’m not even going to read the rest of the article because if the foundation is faulty,the building is definitely shaky.
Be careful man,i was there life,he never said such,you re lying against man of God,visit my ptovince they feed ppl every sunday,come and see what we do to suport education,hospital,rehablitate and many more..pls u guys should be careful of what u say
it's clear now dt Nigerians are realizing dt religion is failing us gradually. Remember d Yar'dua saga religious men went 2 great him when he ws reported 2 have arrive back into d country in d dead night, u all remember when they came out we expected them 2 speak 2 us u d chorus responses. the recent visit of some bishops 2 patience Jonathan u knw it all. so it's quite evident his men in suites and robes are there 2 enrich their purses only God knows who serves Him but remember d day of reports before God awaits u God bless our nation Nigeria
But why do we just have a habit of criticising everything in this country, the arguments of this article are just so weak.
Do we honestly think that there aren’t people who have made legitimate money in Nigeria anymore? There are people that can donate that amount legitimately, corruption everywhere but there are still honest people in Nigeria.
All you social media activists that have this sense of morality obviously don’t think much about poverty you just rant because that’s what makes you popular. If you thought well you’ll observe that poverty isn’t solved by philantrophy but by wealth creation, you people are hacks. This kind of opinion is one sided, I know poor people who have come out of their poverty by allowing the teachings of these men of God transform their thinking, why is it so hard for anyone to tell their story? Have we even thought to ourselves, before we come and disparage people online why don’t we do a simple fact finding mission to check if actually these people are giving to society? We don’t because the uncomfortble truth will be realised that churches are actually giving to society, I know TEENAGERS from RCCG that have visited the prison, I know someone personally that has been given scholarship by the church, the church has periodic exams and gives scholarships to students, what’s all this talk about no giving?
The most disturbing thing is the criticism of private schools owned by the churches, like I said people don’t think we just prefer to complain. Who here can provide standard education with facilities without subsidy and keep the price cheap? Don’t you know that the reason the federal universities are cheap is because FG is subsidizing the cost? Even state schools like OOSU and LASU are expensive, how will the computers maintan themselves? Everybody is going to America and the U.K for better education, with all their money is their world class education free? The american budget is trillions of dollars. There is a global problem of education being over inflated not just in Nigeria and people who care about the problem recognise and provide ideas on many platforms like TED because that’s what to do.
We have a problem of populism in this country, cheap opinions are everywhere. Beer parlor gossip is frequently brought to the forefront of national discuss, if you have an issue with the secretary why not go and see for yourself if the man isn’t accessible to you then if he/she tells you that you can’t see the GO because you gave only N100 then you have a case but you have not done that, don’t plan on doing that and just seem satisfied to blurt out cheap argument because that’s what is going to make people read your blog.
Wake up brother, Pastor Adeboye was totally wrong, approach et al. The church is not for the poor but for the rich. You should find it enlightening that the more the church grows, the more criminality and corruption outstrips the growth of the church. Since darkness cannot overcome light, you should come to understand that what we have in the churches is not light but darkness pretending to be light. Buying into and investing in the project Pastor Adeboye is promoting with your hard earned money is nothing but profligacy. And we know where the bulk of the donation will come from – Government Contractors. So you can see how this project will encourage corruption.
He isnt criticizing he is talking about who deserves to see the pastor’s personal secretary…..the writer is spot on. Money shouldnt be a criteria to determine anything in the house of God. Rich looters get front row seats and all. I think the writer is spot on and we need to really check ourselves concerning the direction we are heading religiously.
Well,’♏ not a member of RCCG but I can say one of †ђξ reasons its better they see the secretary is for Security.So †ђξ donor wont be targets of evil
But seriously i believe We all have a role to play in making Nigeria a better. Great Men of God like pastor. Adeboye just have more influence .So do your part and let everyone do theirs.
James Ceo Omokwe good one.. but a quick one!! when was the last time u fed the hungry man next to u!! examine ur self!
Its so easy, Just leave your opinions to yourself let God be the judge. We are in no position to judge especially when it comes to a man of God.
I usually don’t comment on religious matters. But this article is such a Kick.
I think the right way should have been: ‘we are planning to build a new 3km church auditorium and we need your usual assistance. Anyone with a capability should feel free to get in-touch with us. Thank You.’ And the sermon continues!
Is RCCG trying to build another Vatican city? Just asking though!
In this age of technological advancement, they are still trying build a 3km long church for God. Why not maintain the present auditorium and make use of a live telecast to reach members at their different branches all over the world? Unless there is a geographical limitation to how far Pastor Adeboye’s voice could perform miracle. Just saying though!
Satellite churches is the way to go. They will never have a facility big enough to contain all that may wish to attend. Abt 80% of those attending the conventionsnow have to watch a screen, and since distance is no barrier to God’s anointing, they can kukuma watch the screen at different centers across the world.
Nigeria is the most religious nation on planet Earth. No wonder God is an indigene!
Why are we so concern about building church and not building the kingdom of them…why are we not talking about raising saint and nurturing them, why are we Christians fighting over earthly building rather than heavenly kingdom. Am just a young boy of 15, and my Sunday school teacher told me that the only way to heaven is tru salvation…and am sure donating to build the church does not guarantee any on e heaven it is just an added blessing. how many saint will follow him if he come today or now…
Kunle, dats ur name abi? u said dat it is ur opinion, but opinions can be wrong. I believe that the only way to criticise a book is by writing ur own book. so if u thinl Pastor Adeboye’s approach was wrong, then show us the “right” approach. what is the proper or “right ” way for him to have done it?
Haba, there must be critics. but criticise objectively not destructively
Now I see why the country called Nigeria is still very backward in the scheme of things internationally. Majority of its citizens are rationally bankrupt, they can’t think objectively. I wonder how someone who could read and write and even claim to understand not understand what religion is doing to our country. What positive thing has religion done for the generality of Nigeria? We can’t come to consensus even in our politics because of religious differences, we can’t develop socially because of religious differences. We are impoverished because of misplaced prioritize by our leaders. But funny enough we the populace cannot see this because of our diverse religious beliefs. Well, all I’ve to say here is you all should ve a nice day debating bullshit because I don’t see any positive spiritual, social and economic effect a 3km church auditorium will have on the populace.
I think its the biggest bullshit I’ve ever heard in my life.
Confirm misplaced priority…
Mr writter better go and get a life if you dont have nothing to write than a piece of shit criticizing Baba. For your information, not only do people have access to His secretary, we have access to Him. If not that you are dumb, do you expect offering basket to be use to collect 50million naira above. Reason well next before you open your mouth.
hmm.mmm…. Everybody is entitle to his or her opinion,…fine,…but one thing people to realise from the begining till this present moment is that,…it is not everybody that will be rich and its not everybody that will be poor,….the church of the lord is growing everyday,and that is my joy as a christain,…let all the people that are against pastor adeboye opinion to suggest another way the congregation that are unable to to stay on the roof,staying inside the rain and sun will survive it…. Lets just hold our peace and stop judging the men of God,…its only God that has the right to judge,… Many are here quoting diff bible verses and misinterpreting them the way they read it…anyway,as far as am concern,God only has the power to decide who enter his kingdom
Uhn u peep had beta be very careful wit d way u castigate men of God,when baba made d pronouncement,he wasn’t forcing anybody,if u r led by d holyspirit,donate,if not keep ur calm before u sin against d holyspirit and if u think baba adeboye is wrong y not leave him to God,who r u pple to judge,building 10km programme is no big deal if d writer was in camp and had seen pple sitting on the floor outside then probably will av shut his trap,when wizkid and others were drinking millions worth of champagne dis writer didn’t bring up an article,now when its to build for God its an issue and concerning everybody aving to go to d campground lyk one writer said,I dnt think anybody who was at d camp was taken there wit a rope round his/her neck its a thing of choice so pls pls we dnt av to comment abt everythn we hear from men of God,nice one sha u were able to get lil popularity from ur write up.
Jumai God bless you,I love your point.we should leave this jobles attention seeker
Interestin topic and comments. I kept wonderin if we are in the same country and share the same views or maybe ve the same eyes to see things the way they are. Christianity as it is practiced in this continent called Africa and Nigeria in particular is something else. Well, generally I think the religion itself has lost its salt. The white man never thought of seeing so much readership of the anthology they call the Holy Bible, in short they actually wanted to keep the religion shrouded in mystery.
I don’t blame a pastor that wants to build a Local Govt size auditorium for his God who resides in Heaven with gold and diamond as pavement and tiles for street. I only blame the impoverished miracle seekers, lazy, ignorant, fanatics, hypocrites and wannabes who believe in the bullshit yarns weaved by these pastors. Well, I’m not here to say what I actually ve in mind but I think it’s high time we started lookin at the God of the Jews critically and the God of Jesus Christ. They don’t seem to be the same. The Jews killed Jesus Christ for blasphemy, because he opposed the religion of that time. The same high profile priesthood praticed by the Pharisees and Sadducees of His time is what is attainable now in our time and a lot of dumb headed attention seekers who cannot read between the lines or maybe just scared of their own shadows are here writing bullshhit. Christ said “ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free”. Nigerians don’t thrive in truth, falsehood and hypocrisy is our stock in trade.
By their fruit you shall know them. I don’t care much about what your so-called man of God said, what I care about is how it relates to the word of Christ in the Bible. I don’t want to hear you quoting scriptures after scriptures, I only need to see your work as it affects your fellow man. I don’t believe in invincible cloaks, so please don’t tell me about your invincible payments made to God while you go ahead acquiring visible properties for yourselves.
As far as I’m concerned the GO of RCCG can go ahead and build a Statesize auditorium but what I wouldn’t like is him telling the congregation that God asked him to build it and their efforts by way of tithe and freewill offering is needed.
The truth is not always welcomed, like change it is often resisted but it will eventually come out and man will have no choice but to embrace it. Religion, Christianity in particular is becoming too exploitative and manipulative monetarily for the average man to comprehend. Playing with our psyche has become its priority, with self-ordained priests showering pronouncement, mimicking the voice of God.
Let’s keep an open mind but we all know where all these are going. The fanatics will read this and rain fire and brimstones, the hypocrites will read and pretend they didn’t read this at all, the ignorants will read and say a word of prayer for me, asking God to forgive me. In all, I’ve said my mind and I don’t care what you think, all I know is that if God don’t want humans asking questions He would ve created Robots not humans with freewills and ability to exploit themselves in God’s name.
Hmmmmmm,so many people cnt wait to criticise des men of GOD while u go about evryday living life full of wickedness and evil,forgeting the fact that they are same human beings as u,he without no sin shud cast d first stone,if pastor ADEBOYE have said all donations should be directed to him,it wil be anoda headline entirely,charity begins at home,be dat change u want to see in pple first bfr u start pointing accusing fingers.
The less religious a country is, the better off it is! And I wonder if God is really one of miracles as the claim goes, why doesn’t he just miraculously build a new auditorium for RCCG since he sees they really need one. Must he rely on the blood money of our country’s looters! Anyways, the price you pay for ignorance is religion!!
Stop blasphemy mr Man @jayjay.may God forgives used the same word that satan use to JESUS CHRIST after his fasting >that if he really have power he should turn stone to bread…..again may God forgive you.
Some of those auditorium money could be used on improving your English, you’d know! But, thanks, I don’t need your god’s forgiveness if he doesn’t like an honest opinion. If Jesus came back today, I can assure you he might not be a Christian, Muslim or what-have-you. He might not go to RCCG’s showpiece of wealthy poverty, and still he might go with a cane and whip a lot of people to their senses!!
Awwww now I can see how frustrated you are in life… should also go seek God’s blessing so you have a good living,cause at the look of things you so suck in poverty that would ve prefer GO to actually pronounced the donation for your family instead of buildin the house of God.I can stil forgive you and give give you a gateman offer yu fool.he goat
So much for being a Christian with your plenty cusswords! Try carry out an objective conversation without resorting to swearing, then I might just see your point. And no, I don’t need your GO’s offer of a gateman’s job, I’ve got a far better one. And I would have felt offended by the insult if only you could spell “yu” correctly. All I have is pity for your ignorant, little mind!
Wao! Pathetic wen it comes to d tinz of God dere will always b critic buh wen it is d oda way round no comments,wen don jazzy and p-square were given a champagne worth over millions of naira dere wasn’t any critics. Well to me its a good sign dat RCCG is growing very fast dat even d world knows it keep doing d good work daddy.also,keep up d critics dude,but remenber use ur eyes use ur brain an rite d wrong
When I said we should be careful about what we say about men of God, I ment it. The truth is dat u don't no about their anointing and if by chance dey ar not doing tins in accordance wit wot dey ar called to do. U do wot is right cos dis race is personal and allow God deal wit such man of God whether real or fake.
Nike what do you mean we should be careful about what we say, should we not say the truth again ?
It is unfortunate that many lack wisdom. It is not strange that whoever does things physically ‘l always speak against the things of the spirit. You all that know how to rain abuse on God’s chosen should pray for God’s mercy before it is too late.
Let’s not judge or misinterprete people. We just sit in front of our TV and criticise wrongly and point fingers…smh. Different ministries have diff ways of raising money for God’s work…
what drug addicts and what prostitutes? which hungry people are we feeding? Do you know how many hungry people are in this country? do you know that almost 70 percent of Nigerians live under N6000 a day? whats the churches priority. building a 3km auditorium or trying to get this nation out of where it is today. The funny thing is when things like this come up, we know its the truth but wee are afraid to acknowledge it. We start to quote scriptures and say stuff like "be careful" Jesus's greatest commandment was to love our neighbor. Adaobi, some f our neighbors are hungry. lets feed them as a church. lets send them to schools. thats all we are saying
Mr CEO 70 percent of Nigerians live under N6000 a day? Please don’t write things like this on the internet again..#no offence
i dont understand? i’m sure you must be a multi millionaire abi?
Building the house of God isn’t a sin mr critics.what have you done for God in your life? Did GO said he need the money to open a university or to service his ca? NO! But to build a bigger place for God.wake up and and stop seeking for popularity through such trash lik this.for the bible says “speak no evil against the anoited Man of God”. May that devil that is using you right now flee away from you,Amen.that our prayer for you .and may the God lord forgives you
Lol…this article is dope, those pple who died at the synagogue in Ghana, when confronted by the angels as par the cause of their death, do u think they would be proud to say they died bcos of Holy water? u guyz just need to grow up…idolizing men of God doesn’t mean his good deeds would be add ed to urs, we r all equal in the sight of God, and if u believe one person is Holy or is spiritually filled then you do, then u need to renew ur relationship with ur creator cos u r lost
‘ Hehehehe ‘My priority now is to see the pastors personal secretary to be my sugar Dady, Personal Sugar Dady 4 that matter. Our leaders av priority, whether political or religious so me self got to av my own priority- Values av Changed. Even the Hungry members don’t see what’s wrong, they would die defending this people. Makes me Sick, So blind and not realistic.
to d writer, I think u are a dumb arse hole, did anybody forced u to donate to God? just let God judge. u re just an attention seeker. *my opinion*
Nice article. Truly, we all need to be open – hearted to this and I believe the writer hit some valid points. However, what this writer came short of in this essay springs off two points. One, RCCG indeed does so much collectively as a church and even individually as parishes in terms of human welfare, social capital & societal development. Their visits to prisons & orphanages, scholarships for students, support for widows and donations to healthcare really needs so so much more P.R so intellectual critics like this writer can have balanced articles. The free healthcare given to mothers who have babies born at the convention every year cannot be over-emphasized. The free welfare in terms of accommodation and feeding (breakfast, lunch and dinner) given to every attendee who seeks out such need is evidence to social welfare. The household fellowships and church groups contextual in strategy to demands of parishes and their communities offer so much support in various human endeavours. This also cannot be over-emphasized. It is wrong to say RCCG hardly does much to promote societal development..however, I believe the church can always do better even though it isn’t the government.
Two, the perception towards Pastor Adeboye’s call for certain donors to see his Personal Secretary is very relative and this writer clearly portrays his conception of the message which to an extent is flawed. I believe Pastor Adeboye’s call in no way seeks to segregate/distinguish those who have access to him; but like every well-mannered & grateful heart, show purposeful appreciation. This is more evident as he made mention of ensuring everyone gives to this cause and not restrict donations to a certain amount. It is only human and rational that some levels of gifts would attract exceptional preferences. Even Jesus Christ chose his 12 disciples and offered consistent prayers on their behalf because of their gifts of dedication and commitment to follow him and support him. if I know RCCG quite well, permit me to implore you believe that 5 or more out of the ten who would give N1billion would remain even anonymous. This would be done simply off the teachings of devotion & dedication to support the gospel of Jesus Christ which has greater rewards than gain earthly recognition, all from Pastor Adeboye. Pastor Adeboye’s intent to calling these few exceptional givers is possibly born off intent to show gratitude. It’s wrong to label it an indication of discrimination or segregation.
Nonetheless, I urge everyone to read Bill Clinton’s book – ‘Giving’. It clearly spells out a heart of gratitude always remains limitless.
So, the call does not segregate abi? Oya, donate #100 and go see the personal secretary then?!
Mr man,,,are u sure u listened very well ?? He even asked people who can afford a hundred naira to donate,hw can u put up such a statement???u guys form rubbish all in d name to capture people's hrt thereby giving a wrong information,,,,look b4 u leap man
Its good to donate to †ђξ house ƒ God than any where, if ihave †ђξ money I will donate, its MƔ money not government money or yur money huh,
some pple problem is bigger than 1billion naira, he didn't force or cajole anyone to bring out 1billion naira, is according to pple faith. besides God owe everything. the church need a lot of money to take care of the church, people run to the church for needs and church house the homeless and feed the hungry from their pocket., and rehabitating the drug addicts and the prostitutes. most churches do a lot so giving is according your faith. if you have 1 billion naira give and more esp if you led by the spirit of God. to some of us it may sound big but believe me it too small for some people.
To the writer and every one;we have our individual opinion. Let us be careful with our utterances. Judge yourself first before castigating others.
the questions we should raise is that who are the people that can afford 1billion naira donation? This is an outrageous demand from a church,if it were demanded this is so wrong!
seriously d person who posted this really needs wisdom…James 1vs 5
If you use your physical mind to comprehend the things of God, you will never understand it. He said if you want to give. It’s not by force. Some even give to the devils work. So why the complain.
A visit to redeem camp will answer the questions. I want to be part of this noble vision. U need to witness d crowd in attendance and U will demand 4 a new more comfortable and bigger auditorium. We are ranting just on this small project, wait God is NOT yet done with RCCG within and outside the shores. Who can advice on the account to pay or how do I pay my widows might, am sure my reward cometh.
This writer flew on so many assumptions. Seeing his secretary for donations is not the same as booking an appointment for counselling etc. There was NOTHING in his tone to suggest he was offering appointments for money. Also, private universities cost billions to build and run, thus, the high fees. He didn’t ask anybody to steal money and donate. And a bigger auditorium may not be high on our list of priorities, but its a real need for the RCCG faithful that block lagos/Ibadan Expressway at Mowe during conventions, exposed to the elements. I’m a catholic so I don’t hold brief for Pa Adeboye but he has done nothing wrong. Look for other horses to flog.
The other angle : Fresh money could have just been laundered by our treasury looters. And these religious cnters and fertile ground for absorbing these loots. Soliciting for 100million from 10 people just like that. EFCC must act now . Keep your watch on these provocateurs who are luring unemployed youth in to crime. Must we fold our arms?
Religion has always been a money-laundering business! Nothing has changed there, only got more sophisticated!!
Kunle i advice u kneeldown and seek 4 mercy and direction frm God. Cos of ur statement abt God. Wisdom is deeper dan intellectualism wen it comes 2d tings of God. He neva said we shuldnt build nor donate 2His house wen nid b, bt 2giv generously. "HAGGAI 1:7-15"
Kunle I advice u kneeldown & beg God 4mercy and direction because His ways r nt ours. U nid wisdom & d holyspirit 2undastnd d word of God.
U can read "HAGGAI 1:7-15".
Well, wen it comes to some men of God we should be careful about wot we say. Really d state d church is now makes me wonder but wot I no is dat dis race is personal. Do wot u av to do and get it rite wit baba God o!
U’ve spoken well, but u also made a slight error by saying u’d never say pastor adeboye’s wrong ( supposedly even when he is )….d rot on d soil lies even there.
It is very shameful that some of us still see thing going wrong and still open our mouth to support it… 1 billion naira will build a mini factory for employment,it will provide housing unit for some homeless ppl and many more beneficial projects could be done with it to show an exampulary processes to our government to follow than a 3km church building..building or no building church will still go on so why not show other religion a way to help our nation rather than showing them ways to cripple it and create more haters of christianity a man who has never gone to church will definitely not visit any after hearing or seeing this kind of pronouncement coming from a house of God…so people speak the truth when it is needed without bias or hate…..
I put to you that your post is rubbish.and I quote you “a man who has not gone to church will definately not visit after hearing or seeing this kind of pronoucement” and you told you his going to church wil stop RCCG not to build a bigger place for God?.if the economy wil make an auditurium to be build with 500 naira he won’t demand for more.what have you on ur own offer to God? I pray you just shout your mouth and go donate in building the house of God even with 10kobo cause is more important than anything you ever live spending your money doing.don’t let your mentality take your mind away from God cause it is Good to give to God than devil.
Why are we so concern about building child and not building the kingdom of them….Why are we not talking about raising saint and nurturing them, why are we Christians fighting over earthly building rather than heavenly building. Am just a young boy of 15, and my Sunday school teacher told me that the only way to heaven is tru salvation…and am sure donating to build the church does not guarantee any on e heaven it is just an added blessing. how many saint will follow him if he come today or now…
Y r u attaching so much importance to adeboyes secretary..he’s probably directing dem to the secretary because of d amount involved..its not asif special prayers wud be said to those who goto d secretary..Mr man go nd look for smtin bettar to do with ur spare time..
I am not a member of rccg neither am I a fan of the writer.I want to advice that we should not misinterprete anybody’s pronouncement including G0 without proper research & findings.we don’t think and research well in Africa before drawing our inference.I noticed that the bigger a church is the more her responsibilities to everyone.a lot of money are spent by these churches on missions where forgotten villages,disabled people,orphans,destitute and remote areas are attended to.KOMA hill people (over 55000people) on discovery by an MD turned missionary were all clothed and fed free of charge.pry and secondary schools were built for them with plan on higher education.I saw the documentary…all from winners chapel (am not a member).daystar constructed lagos road,covenant rebuilt delapidated pry schools,rccg contructed bore holes,do welfare and others in remote places and for widows in d city,TB josh also and others,why pple don’t know is bcos they don’t talk abt it wc I think they should be doing it because they can’t be this blessed without taking care of the poor.people criticised jet…do you know how many private jets are in this country….out of over 200jets just like 6 can be traceable to a pastor.GO in an interview said ‘it is impossible to oversee several parishes in 160nations on bicycle”.do you know that there are african nations that have one way weekly trip meaning you cant return untill the following week.for God’s sake,presidents of nations don’t travel as pastors in tis calibre and top business men do.talking about university,education is costly,I know because my parents are educationists and am an engineer.standard education anywhere in the world is not affordable without grants and schorlarships.all these church private universities are susidised.are u aware of that,that there are other personal/politician private universities with 1.5million/1million fees e.g atiku and OBJ’s school and not as standard as covenant and co.why is it that when churches and others do well,we don’t talk about it?pls those who quoted or talk abt narrow and broad way,its clear that you don’t study bible bcos it is out of this context.someone said jesus never took offering,but jesus had treasurer who later betrayed him abi?I laugh!pls let’s not comment and argue summary,know and love God,love your neigbours and may God bless and help us.
Tope u make sense..God bless
Would the writer have preferred if Pastor Adeboye said “1Billion,see my secretary, 100mil,see my secretary, 50mil,see my secretary, 20mil,see my secretary,even 100naira,see my secretary”! Would dat tautology have excused d man of God for this seemingly cheap and opportuned criticism? If everyone had been asked to see the Personal Secretary,would d Second be able to find time for other functions? Besides,would the writer start a project in his own establishment and ask his biggest donoro not to have a face-to-face…at least? Can even the President of America not have a sit-down with his biggest donors? And that’s putting it simply. Bringing in the polio issue doesn’t hold water,cos RCCG isn’t Nigeria’s biggest source of polio,nor its biggest impediment to eradicating the polio scourge! I remember vividly that every member of the church was asked to give an offering to aid relief efforts in Haiti,and even recently to rebuild churches destroyed by Boko Haram in the North! So,cos RCCG is unarguably Nigeria’s biggest church,it should therefore be by right or obligation,be Nigeria’s biggest burden bearer? @Nay has properly put the issue of the Uni into proper perspective,so I wouldn’t bother to ask the writer to see my personal secretary for my opinion on it. Afterall,no one deserves any preferential treatment,right?
Correction please! RCCG is not Nigeria’s biggest church. It is not everyone in RCCG that’s a Christian. Meanwhile, God does not dwell in building made with hands (Acts 7:48-49), so a 3km wide auditorium is not God’s House. When finished, the auditorium is going to be RCCG auditorium not God’s Auditorium. All haters can belly ache about this bible truth: GOD DWELLS IN HUMAN BEINGS AND NOT AN AUDITORIUM THAT WILL PERISH AT CHRIST’S COMING. “Labour not for the meat that perisheth….”
What is the grouse of this writer? Is it the fact that a bigger auditorium is needed to accomodate members & prevent future avoidable accidents? Is it the fact that the Pastor asked for voluntary donations? Is it that the Pastor asked some few classes of people to see his secretary?
I dont know how all the millions of people that will donate to the project will be required to see the G.O.’s secretary. I also dont see why a leader will wait until what happened in Synagogue recently in Ghana to happen before taking steps to address the needs to accomodate its members!
I suppose the question is why is there a need to gather everyone under one roof? So much that people travel from across the globe. Is it so that everyone can receive blessings directly from the mouth of the man of God? Is it so everyone can pray together, or worship together or what really? I really don’t understand what it is that cannot be done at the many iocal fellowships spread across the globe. Must everyone hear the GO’s voice? Is that it? That’s the miracle maker abi? That’s where the power lies se? Anyway, let every Believer be Spirit led sha. That’s all I can say.
Actually sir Kunle, i am worried about the kind of influence 1 man has over somany nigerians, especially a religious man, and the country is still the way it is. Is it that we dont care for Nigeria and what we are going through as a nation? Nigerians are hungry. the Nation is corrupt but the churches priority is to build a 3km auditorium???
what may sm imposibl 2 man is posibl wt God
Tell them brother, only say dem N̶̲̥̅̊ go hear.
1 Billion Naira to build 3 Kilometers of church auditorium. It makes me wonder whether the Lord Jesus didn’t know what he was saying when he declared that the way to heaven is straight and narrow (3 kilometer auditorium says otherwise lol). Or when he said it is difficult for a rich man to make it to heaven; like a carmel going through the eye of a needle. Or whether he missed something the pastors claiming to follow him now know when he told the rich man that came to him to sell all he has and give it to the poor when he could have instructed that the man bring the money to him directly to further the very, very serious business of the gospel he took on flesh and came to earth to preach. Something is terribly wrong. Christians these days think God needs their money to have the gospel preached when Jesus didn’t take a single offering while on Earth. In fact, his sayings were so hard, people left him in droves. Needless to ask who would have parted with their money to him then whether hard earned or stolen. Anyways, people see ‘men of God’ as alpha and omega. How dare anyone question them? They have forgotten that they are merely all sheep like any other believer in the church of christ. Not that I don’t wonder if these so called men of God even belong to the fold of Christ. There’s only one Shepherd (or Pastor if U like.) He is Jesus Christ. God’s mercy on us all.
GO of Rccg is truly a man of God but to me I feel it would hav bn beta if d GO just said we need so so so amount to do certain project and everyone should try and contribute as capable as they are than giving number of pple certain amount limit. Its making it looking lik contest
Church is so frightening and disheartning these days. 3km of auditorium??????? I wonder what happened to the straight and NARROW way that leads to Heaven. Could Christ had gotten it all wrong by making that statement? Maybe God miscalculated. Jesus was so wary of money while on Earth; so much that he declared it will be very difficult for a rich man to enter heaven – like a camel through the eye of a needle. I mean show me one pastor on planet earth today asking rich men to sell all they have and distribute to the poor and then come follow Christ afterwards. Just one will do please. Inspite of how extensive Jesus' ministry was on Earth, with so many people to reach; constantly travelling, ever on the move, sending disciples out into the world, he did not ask the rich man to make a generous donation to the ministry so that the gospel he came to preach will spread much faster. God Almighty have mercy. Jesus did not preach a popular gospel fa. Many left him after hearing him fa. So much he asked the desciples if they want to abandon him as well. Eheh!!! Why is the gospel so popular today? Is it the same gospel that christ preached? Why is money taking such a prestigous position in churches today? Think people think? Something is terribly wrong! People are afraid to speak against 'Men of God'. Guess what? They are not 'Pastors' (meaning Shepherds). They are only sheep like U and I. There's only one Shepherd fa. Only one o. Toh. God help us all. God's mercy on us all.
Ur reasoning is so myopic mister…Jesus saying d way to heaven is narrow and straight dosent mean d way to heaven is actually a small narrow path u dummy! E ws trying to emphasize on how steadfast nd focused u av to be to make heaven..dnt jst cm ere nd start talking nonsense
Ah Oga no vex o. U wey ur eye sharp well, well. May God’s mercy prevail on us all.
bb3, how do u expect us to understand anything you said when the first word that you typed was an insult. then on sunday you will carry your bible and go to church??? wow some christian you are.
Is dis ur comment Godly, and I guess U̶̲̥̅̊ attend d RCCG….
Must you as a Christian insult people with different or opposing opinions? I am really not disappointed at this low spiritual estate of some Christians because the Bible says, “By their fruits ye shall know them.”
Bt dey dat will be rich fall inti temptation and a snare,and into many foolish and hurtful lusts,which drown men in destruction and perdition. For d luv of money is d root of all evil;which while sm coveted after,dey hv erred frm d faith,and pierced demselves tru with many sorrow. There is a way dat seemeth right unto a man bt d end thereoff is destruction.I see dat Nigeria will continue to hv social problems in as far as all our leaders both political and religious continues to lay emphasis on money money money instead on values.God is nt mocked for watso ever a man soweth he reaps.
mr critic’ Go and catch some good sleep. You ar stressed up and its affecting your mental equilibrium. So RCCG is nw FG of nigeria?
No its not the FG my brother, but it is a church. read the new testament and see what paul did for people as a servant of God. we have a duty to help and care for people. LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR. How can you love your neighbor , this being the greatest commandment of all, and be so indifferent to others. As far as you are concerend, RCCG will build the auditorium, Nigerans can rot for all you care?
Has it now come to cursing people before RCCG gospel could be propagated? For your information sir, RCCG is not Nigeria’s biggest church. It is not everyone in RCCG that’s a Christian. Meanwhile, God does not dwell in building made with hands (Acts 7:48-49), so a 3km wide auditorium is not God’s House. When finished, the auditorium is going to be RCCG auditorium not God’s Auditorium. All haters can belly ache about this bible truth: GOD DWELLS IN HUMAN BEINGS AND NOT AN AUDITORIUM THAT WILL PERISH AT CHRIST’S COMING. “Labour not for the meat that perisheth….”
Not holding brief for Pastor Adeboye but is it practicable for everybody to see the secretary? in your quote, he said he wanted everyone to participate but he did not say how. so maybe someone with 100 naira could see the pastors secretary, he didnt say.
i think the tone of the write up suggests someone who is looking for a chance to criticize.
as for donating to causes like polio, pls realize that people have different values and realities. to some donating for religious purposes is noble, to some NGOs are the way to go. Each man to his own. But to ascribe your own values as being superior to others is simply like HITLER – if you are not like me, you must be genetically wrong. it amazes me that those pple who claim some kind of sage wisdom are the most intolerant and are most likely to impose their views on others.
On the cost of studying at private universities (because i wont single out redeemed uni alone) we have diffrent schls of thought. some believ in sustenability, others believe in universal access. each institution will detrmine its operational procedure. one is not better than the other. there are many ways to devlop the youth of a nation.
So you see, this writer has simply shown that this is an opportunity to make cheap publcity and in that he has succeeded.
Pastor Adeboye is a man of God but he is still a man. Allow him and his members to exist in thier own world and their realities.
It’s ovbious u are member! Cos u did’nt even make any sense in ur defense. People don’t read d bible these days, cos dey’re content with wat thier pastors are sayin.wud he die if he invest in a public school? And ask people to pay tokens for salary’s and mentainace.please read matthew 7:21-23.
I agree with you on many fronts but where i differ is on the cost of studying. Hard to believe that universities that are built with church members’donations are priced out of the reach of the church members’ kids.
I am still awaiting when these institutions would come out and declare dividends to church members out of the so much profits they have made at the detriment of their members.