It was another Thursday in the Love Pad and Aunty pays a visit to the Love Guest to do her weekly rounds. Every week Aunty comes into the House to get some insights on how the her Housemate’s relationships are coming along, the highs and the lows, and yesterday the housemates had a lot of reassuring things to say. The theme this week; Love outside the Love Pad.
You know you are doing something right as a couple, when haters walk up to you and expose their envy, I mean, express their opinion. Although they wouldn’t give a name, Chivia made mention of someone in the house who walked up to them to tell them that their relationship seemed fake because they don’t fight. Interesting really. Apparently this person finds sincerity in toxicity and is simply flabbergasted that a relationship can exist without petty squabbles. Love for Chivia outside the house, according to them, posses some complications, with Sylvia being a student and all, and Chiddy living so far away from her, but they opted to figure it out as time in the Love Pad passes, as they both agree that what they share is much more than a one-off.
For ObiEbi, life outside the Pad, begins the journey to the next phase. They disclosed to Aunty that what will happen to their ship is largely dependent on family influence. They have decided that left to them they would build up on their current relationship, but alas they they must first seek approval from loved ones. It is important to note the disposition of the couple as they conversed with Aunty is leagues away from the previous week were they were so heated up they contemplated voluntarily checking out the Love Pad. Yesterday it was heart warming to see them elated.
Right off the bat, marriage, according to Roksie is in their nearest future. Roksie made it known to Aunty, during their private session that they intend to get married as soon as possible, this is why everyone is aboard this ship. Kachi said that this is something he had already discussed with Rosie and she was receptive. He seemed serious about meeting her parents, about having kids, to be specific, one boy, two girls, and about moving in together as soon as they leave the Love Pad. Rosie seems to be in unison with him, for her, time is the only barrier, and when they can begin is their only obstacle.
For PreshDavid, they decided that after exiting the Love Pad, they will like to take things slow, see where their relationship leads. The silver-lining here is that they both live in Port Hacourt and they seem highly invested in the city, so chances are they will be seeing a lot of each other, there is hope yet for this ship. They also confessed that they have been talking about having kids and on the subject they seem to have similar desires.
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