by Jewel Stephen
An Iranian woman, Reyhaneh Jabbari, who was charged with the murder of man who attempted to rape her, has been executed.
Jabbari was arrested in 2007 for the killing of Morteza Abdolali Sarbandi, a former employee of Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence who she claimed tried to sexually abuse her.
She was first sentenced to death by a Tehran court in 2009 and her execution verdict was upheld by Iran’s Supreme Court, but following an international petition for her release, the execution was postponed several times.
In spite of the worldwide campaign, Jabbari’s mother, Shole Pakravan revealed to BBC, that her daughter was hanged in a Tehran prison on Saturday, 25 October.
You see the kind of ‘justice’ we have in almost all the Islamic Nations all over the world.
This is sad. may her soul rest in peace
What is bad is bad, You killed a man because he atempted to rep u not that he has rept u, thank GOÐ for the life of the judge who handleð the case. Now that she has crossed over to the spirit world she can apeal over there because she will meet d man who atempted reping her there.
You are very stupid for such foolery. Foolish religious bigot!
Violence and fanatism has always been your trade mark, “by their fruits we shall know them” I am not suprised anyway,otherwise why this insalt.