by TNN
The high content of vitamin A found in Mangoes is great for eyes since the vitamin can help prevent night blindness and dry eyes.
Aids digestion:
Mangoes contain several enzymes that help in breaking down protein. This is the reason people eat mangoes after a hearty meal. The fibrous content of the fruit along with vitamins, minerals and probiotic dietary fibre help digest food easily.
Helps in diabetes:
The fruit also contains a surprisingly low glycemic index (41-60), thus eating it in moderate quantities will not suddenly elevate your sugar levels.
Lowers cholesterol:
The fiber, Vitamin C and pectin in mangoes helps lower serum cholesterol levels, especially the harmful Low-Density Lipoprotein commonly known as bad cholesterol.
Good for eyes:
The high content of vitamin A found in Mangoes is great for eyes since the vitamin can help prevent night blindness and dry eyes. A cupful of the fruit supplies 25 percent of the daily need of vitamin A.
Besides having high vitamin E which is a mild form of aphrodisiac, mangoes also have compounds that act like the hormone estrogen and thus has an aphrodisiac effect for both men and women.
Read more in Times of India
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