
#BBNaija: Debie-Rise, TBoss, Marvis and Bally up for possible eviction after a heated nomination process

We looked forward to today’s nomination process and it came with the fire we knew it would bring.

Biggie had allowed the housemates the opportunity to conspire for this week’s nominations so they split up in groups to work out their strategy. Here’s how the nomination went:

Marvis nominated Debie-Rise and TBoss for the obvious reasons. They are huge competitions for her, she told Biggie “they keep bouncing back after every eviction show”.

Bally went the same path as Marvis and for the same reason as well.

Because Marvis and Efe are on the bottom of Debie-Rise’s scale of preference and she would like to see their voters get busy this week, she nominated the couple for possible eviction.

Efe said he wants to be in the final with certain people and TBoss and Debie-Rise do not meet the mark so he put them up for eviction.

[Read Also: #BBNaija: One housemate will be evicted tonight and we can bet it’s either TBoss or Bassey]

TBoss walked into the Diary Room with confidence and with sass, she told Biggie that she needs Efe to give her some space so she’d like to see him leave. TBoss alludes to the fact that Marvis and Efe don’t like her so she’d like to see them leave.

Finally, Bisola who just won the Head of House task marched into the Diary Room to tell Biggie the same story as the other members of her clique. Bisola expressed shock at the fact that ThinTallTony and Bassey went up against Debie-Rise and TBoss and didn’t make it.

So, TBoss, Efe, Marvis and Debie-Rise were asked to rise and we were sure these were the contenders for the week until…

In a surprising twist, Biggie placed the onus on HoH Bisola to save and replace one of the nominated housemates. Since she and Bally were the only free housemates, Biggie mandated Bisola to save one of the nominated housemates and replace with Bally. Phewwww!  Bisola saved Efe.

So who are you voting this week? Bally, Debie-Rise, Marvis or TBoss.


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  1. debby or must go..

  2. Debby or those,one most leave.

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