by Kristin Kirkpatrick Eggs are beautiful. They are a picture-perfect example of what nature is able to accomplish. They help make us more beautiful by helping both the inside of our…
by Sarah Klien Even without a clinical diagnosis, working out will lift your spirits. Whether or not you find the elusive runner's high or not, there's no denying the extra blood flow…
by Oprah Socializing can give your mind a workout Fewer Colds A study in The Journal of the American Medical Association found that after healthy people were given nasal drops containing a…
by Natural Blaze Avocados are the fruit with the highest level of Vitamin E (yes avocados are a fruit!) Vitamin E is an essential vitamin and helps to maintain overall…
by Michele Borboa Though a glass of wine a day has been associated with heart-health, overdoing it can actually raise your risk of a heart attack or stroke. Risk factor #1:…