Tag: lower blood pressure

Check this out: 5 smart reasons to eat eggs

by Kristin Kirkpatrick Eggs are beautiful. They are a picture-perfect example of what nature is able to accomplish. They help make us more beautiful by helping both the inside of our…

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‘It decreases your cancer risk’: 19 benefits of getting your body in shape

by Sarah Klien Even without a clinical diagnosis, working out will lift your spirits. Whether or not you find the elusive runner's high or not, there's no denying the extra blood flow…

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5 ways friends keep you healthy

by Oprah Socializing can give your mind a workout Fewer Colds A study in The Journal of the American Medical Association found that after healthy people were given nasal drops containing a…

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‘To boost fertility…’: 10 reasons why you should eat avocados

by Natural Blaze Avocados are the fruit with the highest level of Vitamin E (yes avocados are a fruit!) Vitamin E is an essential vitamin and helps to maintain overall…

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7 preventable heart disease risk factors

by Michele Borboa Though a glass of wine a day has been associated with heart-health, overdoing it can actually raise your risk of a heart attack or stroke. Risk factor #1:…

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