Is this the end of Snapchat? Instagram adds new features that may end snaps for good

Are we nearing that time when we will be saying R.I.P to Snapchat?

New statistics reveal that the ephemeral messaging app has taken a major hit in user engagement while arch-rival, Instagram has recorded a 50 million user increase between April and now.

Mashable reports that social analytics company, Delmondo’s newly released data reveal “engagement with Snapchat Stories declined 50 percent in June compared with the same time last year”. Thanks to this, Snapchat’s stock saw a significant downspin, the first of its type since it went public in March 2017.

As if all of that is not enough to get Snapchat CEO, Evan Spiegel’s stomach in knots, Instagram is taking the game up a few notches by incorporating new features in its Stories. On Tuesday, the image-sharing app owned by Facebook, added Live Video replays to allow users share clips of their live video on their Instagram stories.

You get the drift?

So, it’s simple. Unlike before when you could not replay your Insta Live video, now you can actually add it to your Instastory and keep it there for 24 hours. And even better, you can rewind and fast forward.

We’ll watch to see how Snapchat keeps up in this race.


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