
Report: Patience Jonathan leaves hospital, checks into hotel

by Stanley Azuakola

New day, new ‘authoritative’ speculation about the state of Dame Patience Jonathan. The latest is a Vanguard report which carries the first real good news we’ve heard about the first lady’s condition since news originally broke out concerning her trip to Germany.

The reports says that Dame Jonathan was discharged from the Horst Schimdt Klinik in Wiesbaden, Germany two days ago and has now checked into a hotel.

Read the full story below:

THE First Lady Dame Patience Jonathan has left the  Horst Schmidt Klinik in Wiesbaden, Germany, where she was treated for an undisclosed ailment for about a month, Vanguard can authoritatively report. She reportedly left the hospital two days ago.

Doctors at the Horst Schmidt Klinik in Wiesbaden last week were reported to have told the media they had been in touch with Nigerian officials on Patience’s condition.

“They wanted us to discharge Mrs. Patience Jonathan but we have notified the Nigerian government through its embassy here that we will not be able to discharge our patient at this time because her situation is not stable,” a doctor who did not want her name used said last Wednesday, adding: “We still need to monitor her very well before we can ask her to proceed on any long-distance trip.”

To hasten the recovery of the First Lady, officials at German Hospital last week barred visitors and some top Nigerian officials who went to see her. A source close to the presidency confirmed that the daily morning devotion which Jonathan and his wife usually attend at the Villa, is being used to offer special prayers for the first lady.The president’s office had continued to say that Patience Jonathan was expected back in Nigeria by the end of the last week.

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  1. May her soul rest in perfect peace

  2. Thank God DPEJ's health improved. That she was well enough to be discharged, is welcome news. May she continue to grow from strength to strength IJN. We eagerly await her return home. Amen.

  3. Thnx to the Almighty for His mercy

  4. The doctors sound very Nigerian. Where una de get dis gist sef????

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