Tag: dates

7 reasons why dating a friend may work

by Alison Bryant Do you think that you could never date a friend? It can actually avoid a lot of the awkwardness that comes with getting to know a new…

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3 categories women put you in even before you meet

by Examiner The majority of the times about 80 percent is you are an average guy you are going to fall in this Category which if you have done your…

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9 signs you might need to lower your dating standards

by Crystal Crowder I don't think it's fair to ask a guy or a girl to live up to standards you can't meet yourself. For instance, if you want a…

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Stop it! 9 things that’ll NEVER get you a good woman

by Nina Bahadur From revealing romantic feelings for a friend to crafting a spiffy e-opener, catching the interest of someone you'd like to date can be hard. (Seriously, we sympathize…

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‘Everybody plays games’: 6 unspoken rules of dating

by Nina Bahadur  Whether or not you're happy being single, the process of dating is stressful and things rarely work out immediately.  Dating is a complicated venture. Much as we…

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Listen & learn: 11 men you must NEVER court

by Reshmi AR You are the hottest chick in town and your popularity is at its peak in the college. And when that's the situation, you know how easy it…

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8 (important) things to know when dating a player

by Julia Melko Dating a player is a huge challenge and it’s not every woman’s dream. But sometimes a woman falls in love so quickly and strongly that she doesn’t…

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No strings attached: 8 ways to let him know you just want sex

by Kiley Coleman Girls, if you want to make clear you just want sex, this is definitely the way. I'm not telling you to make it seem like you are…

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‘You can’t admit it’: 9 reasons you’re still with a jerk

by Kiri Blakeley Sometimes it's hard to know why you're still with someone who isn't good for you.Intellectually, you may be saying to yourself, "I need to end this relationship," but…

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Did you know? 7 ways to get him to chase you

by Alicia Fannin Your confidence is most likely the top personality trait that makes you attractive to your guy. There is something about a woman that is self-assured that men…

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7 reasons NOT to rush into marriage

by  Jenny Erikson People get married every day, and some of them even for a good reason. Of course most everyone gets married because they fall in love and want to…

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Akin Osuntokun: The two faces of January in Nigeria’s history

by Akin Osuntokun If January 1st was the day Nigeria was born, January 15th, was the date it was sentenced to death. January was so named in honour of the…

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7 (gentle) ways to get a man to do ANYTHING you want

by Irene Jay How could a guy get pissed at a girl who’s just spent the whole day giving him what he wants?" 1. Don't Fear The Damsel In Distress…

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20 things every woman should do before she gets married

by Merassa Brown Face one of your biggest fears. Be it skydiving, public speaking, or dining in public alone. 1. Travel with your sister(s) and/or closest female friends. Not saying you…

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9 signs he is terrible and you should dump him

by David Ingber Look, it's 2013. I don't care if the man or the woman picks up the tab, or if you go halfsies, or your thruple goes thirdsies. But…

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‘The “I won’t go down on you” guy’: 10 (crazy) guys every girl dates (once)

by Anna Breslaw If you find a guy who can banter on text, marry him. Just kidding, kind of! 1. The “flirts with everybody” guy. When we go to some…

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