by Crystal Crowder I don't think it's fair to ask a guy or a girl to live up to standards you can't meet yourself. For instance, if you want a…
Read Moreby Nina Bahadur From revealing romantic feelings for a friend to crafting a spiffy e-opener, catching the interest of someone you'd like to date can be hard. (Seriously, we sympathize…
Read Moreby Nina Bahadur Whether or not you're happy being single, the process of dating is stressful and things rarely work out immediately. Dating is a complicated venture. Much as we…
Read Moreby Parent Society Whether you’ve been married for a day, a month, a year, 10 years, or for what seems like a lifetime, you’ve probably looked across the dinner table…
Read Moreby Reshmi AR You are the hottest chick in town and your popularity is at its peak in the college. And when that's the situation, you know how easy it…
Read Moreby TNN The only human on planet earth envied by a newlywed is a single women and vice versa. But well, there are women who we think are just happy…
Read Moreby Health Me Up Look your woman in the eye, reassure her with your look that you are there just for her pleasure and everything you will do will have…
Read Moreby Eliza Thompson If one of you has been tasked with returning the other to your nemesis for ransom, great, because that will really give the whole situation a nice…
Read Moreby Eric Baker It takes 13 milliseconds to determine if someone is hot, so what can you do to make sure you’re looking good during that critical first impression? 1. As a general…
Read Moreby Olga Kachmar In order to build stable and happy relationship with your partner it is necessary to be an understanding and caring girlfriend. When you love someone, you can…
Read Moreby Markham Heid You probably know one surefire way to turn her on using your mouth. But that's not what this story is about. That comes later. Instead, this is…
Read Moreby Sean Jameson These tried and true tricks will leave your man begging for more. When it comes to pleasing men in the bedroom with smokin' hot sex moves, women often mistakenly feel…
Read Moreby Vanessa Luis Regular sex is often associated with good health. So when there’s a glitch in your sex life, it is also time to get alarmed about your health.…
Read Moreby Danielle page According to a recent study, some women might be faking orgasms to heighten their own experience. Why do women 'fake it?' According to a recent study, some women…
Read Moreby Kiri Blakeley Sometimes it's hard to know why you're still with someone who isn't good for you.Intellectually, you may be saying to yourself, "I need to end this relationship," but…
Read Moreby Alicia Fannin Your confidence is most likely the top personality trait that makes you attractive to your guy. There is something about a woman that is self-assured that men…
Read Moreby Jenny Erikson People get married every day, and some of them even for a good reason. Of course most everyone gets married because they fall in love and want to…
Read Moreby Shachi Lavingia, Team iDiva Be comfortable in your skin You have a sexy side to you and that is a part of you. If you haven't explored sex at all,…
Read Moreby Srishti Ghosh Shinde "Tall, dark and handsome" has now been replaced by "broadminded, understanding and a good cook." While both men and women are known to fantasise about their prospective spouses, what…
Read Moreby Jenna Kaufman it is interesting to hear that what bothers a guy most about not being able to reach orgasm is how it might affect a partner, especially one…
Read Moreby Margeaux Baulch Klein For a man, nothing is sexier than a woman who is loud in bed and participates in a little dirty talk. Below are five things your…
Read Moreby Bari Lieberman There’s a reason why you and your wife of 20 years don’t ravage each other anymore, and it isn’t for your lack of trying. According to a…
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