Pepsi put out an ad and it is has gotten backlash.
Before we go on, here’s the ad.
Pepsi's facing some [major] backlash across social media scene for this new ad featuring Kendal Jenner. Thoughts?
— Y! Online #WorldCup (@YNaija) April 5, 2017
African Americans are not sitting down for this ad. It has stoked anger, disbelief and is being considered a slap in the face of Black Lives Matter and protests in general.
Couldn't even give us @chaneliman? Nigga. A Disgrace.
— Aurielle Marie (@ElleOfTwoCities) April 5, 2017
When I stood between an armed white supremacist & an armed undercover cop, Should I have offered them both a Pepsi? Would that have helped?
— Aurielle Marie (@ElleOfTwoCities) April 5, 2017
When I was kidnapped by APD in '14 after organizing a series of protests, would offering a sofa have made them refrain from ominous threats?
— Aurielle Marie (@ElleOfTwoCities) April 5, 2017
No, really @pepsi, I'm curious: how much "bolder" do you want us to live? Bold enough to shut down highways? To march through teargas?
— Aurielle Marie (@ElleOfTwoCities) April 5, 2017
Speaking of icongruencies, let's just talk. When's the last time you saw a white woman at a protest without a pink pussy hat? ?
— Aurielle Marie (@ElleOfTwoCities) April 5, 2017
Speaking of icongruencies, let's just talk. When's the last time you saw a white woman at a protest without a pink pussy hat? ?
— Aurielle Marie (@ElleOfTwoCities) April 5, 2017
How do y'all do that? How do you manage to profit from our lives…. *and* our deaths? It's amazing, it really is.
— Aurielle Marie (@ElleOfTwoCities) April 5, 2017
Could you be any more blatant with the disrespect and appropriation of a movement, @pepsi? Is this a sick joke?!
— Taryn Finley (@_TARYNitUP) April 4, 2017
Why? Advertisers have been using countercultural in ads since the 60s flower power, cigarettes & womens' movement & Occupy. This isn't new.
— DabDub Bunchie (@TheBrownTiger) April 5, 2017
NYPD infiltrated BLM, Sessions asked for review of all police REFORM agreements & a cop in Chicago framed 51 ppl for murder, but hey Pepsi.
— Simone (@Vrtlnsanity) April 5, 2017
Just seeing this; love Pepsi but this ad is SO a bunch of S###! Moving on…to more things of substance in the world.
— LoveBusbee72 (@LoveBusbee72) April 5, 2017
@baratunde The rich are buying our dreams low, extracting all value, and selling back to us high
— ✊?✊?❤️????? (@r42) April 5, 2017
The most astonishing about this Pepsi commercial to me is how many people had to say "oh yeah this is a good idea, totally fine"
— Philip Lewis (@Phil_Lewis_) April 4, 2017
"Now just wait one second officers.
I have a Pepsi."
— Philip Lewis (@Phil_Lewis_) April 5, 2017
Bad call.
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