Tag: Body mass index

17 ways to lose weight without lifting weights

by Trina Remdios Warm ups:  Arm circles: Rotate the arms as a warm up for intense exercises. Moving your arms in circles helps you prevent any injuries, so rotate the arms…

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Did you know? 7 foods that fight inflammation and belly fat

by Dummies 1. Fruits and vegetables All fruits and vegetables, due to their rich nutrient and fiber content, help to combat chronic inflammation, so make sure to include adequate amounts…

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For real? Men who don’t brush their teeth regularly are more likely to have erection problems

Men who regularly brush their teeth - thereby reducing their risk of gum disease - are less likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction than their less hygienic counterparts. New research…

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10 tips for guaranteed weight loss… no pills involved

by Sasha Gusain Explore the healthy snack world and you will find several appetizers, party snacks, movie snacks and meal accompaniments that'll satisfy every craving of yours. Weight loss tip…

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