Tag: stomach

My baby died, decayed in my stomach – Nana #BBTitans

Big Brother Titans housemate, Nana has narrated how she found out she was six months pregnant and how the fetus decayed in her stomach. Nana who is a Nigerian made…

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@Survivor17: Let’s talk about Nigerian men and their bulges (Y! Superblogger)

by Buki Otuyemi Okkkkkkkkkkkkk, let's talk about our dear Nigerian men and their bulges. Yes you read that right and I wont be mincing words in this words. I will…

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Bizarre: This baby was born with an extra head attached to her stomach (GRAPHIC PHOTOS)

by Zara Mustapha   A baby born in India with a head attached to its stomach was given a lifesaving surgery to remove it. The baby girl who was born…

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5 ways to ‘fire’ a bridesmaid without spoiling your friendship

by Rebecca Stokes Your wedding day. It's supposed to be one of the happiest days of your life. You've met the person you want to spend the rest of your life…

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Boy, 9, sticks himself with needles after getting 99 per cent in test

by Oge Okonkwo For scoring 99 per cent in an end of school exam, a 9-year-old Chinese boy punished himself in a very bizarre way by sticking himself with needles.…

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Bizarre: Woman’s stomach explodes during operation, sets room on fire

by Zara Mustapha In what could be called a freak accident, the stomach of a Chinese woman who drank and ate too much exploded while she was being operated upon.…

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Horrible: Saturday Newswatch deputy editor ‘shot by gunmen’

by Oge Okonkwo One of the employees of media platform, Saturday Newswatch was attacked by armed robbers yesterday. According to blogger, Ladun Liadi, the deputy editor of the newspaper , Toyin…

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You need this: 8 exercises that burn tummy fat quickly

by Renita Tisha Pinto Bicycling is another great low impact cardio exercise. Not to mention, it's a great way to travel or see the countryside. Depending on the speed and…

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BIZARRE: Meet woman suffering from rare disease which makes her appear heavily pregnant (PHOTOS)

Swollen stomach: Hayley Barley, 24, suffers with Hirschsprung's disease which regularly causes her abdomen to swell to the point she looks pregnant A mother-of-four has told of her anguish of…

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UNBELIEVABLE: 2-year-old BOY gives ‘BIRTH’ after doctors diagnose him as ‘PREGNANT’… with his TWIN (See [incredible] Photos)

A two-year-old boy from Huaxi, has undergone an operation to give 'birth' after doctors diagnosed him as 'pregnant'. Xiao Feng, was brought to hospital after his stomach had become so…

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TERRIBLE: 8-year-old BOY appears pregnant due to rare genetic disorder (PHOTOS)

An eight-year-old boy has been diagnosed with an incredibly rare genetic disorder which makes him look 'pregnant'. Aadam Asif is one of only 17 people in the UK to suffer from Niemann-Pick,…

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Here you go! 8 exercises that burn stomach fat FAST

by Mike Jackson Running and walking can be part of your interval training routine and do not forget to warm up and cool down if your take up running for…

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Busted: NDLEA arrests bricklayer with 83 wraps of cocaine in his stomach

by Oge Okonkwo A 46-year-old bricklayer, Chukwudi Ugankwo, has been arrested by the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) after testing positive to drug ingestion. The arrest was made at the Murtala Muhammed…

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Simply amazing! Man swallowed by shark struggles out of its stomach by stabbing it (LOOK)

It's a photo that never fails to shock new visitors to an Australian pub. A man swallowed by a shark has managed to force his arm through the creature's gills…

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Woman squeezes infected ‘insect bite’ on stomach and discovers she is infested with 14 flesh eating maggots after visiting Africa

A British woman returned from doing charity work in Africa to find flesh-eating maggots living - and wriggling - in her stomach. Catherine Stewart, 28, from Liverpool, visited The Gambia…

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SHOCKING: Man miraculously survives power saw lodged in his stomach (PHOTO)

A farmer had to travel 30 miles with the power tool embedded in his stomach to get to the nearest hospital.  A farmer has survived after being taken to hospital…

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Toned stomach, cropped jacket, pencil skirt & THOSE SHOES: Yup, Rihanna is a stunner! (LOOK)

She claimed her new fashion line for high street store River Island was for her 'fat days'. But Rihanna certainly wasn't having one of those as she flaunted her toned…

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“God was with me”: Woman stabbed 40 times by stranger who attacked her with rusty steak knife (PICTURED)

A woman stabbed 40 times by a stranger wielding a rusty steak knife miraculously survived - despite the blade piercing her heart. Alyssa Wilcynski, 35, who lives in the Mott…

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Ri-Ri style: Rihanna shows off her slim waistline as she models her designs (PHOTOS)

She recently launched her own range for British high street store River Island. And being a stunning world renowned singer, Rihanna is, of course, the best person to model her…

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3 tips for blasting stomach Fat + 7 steps to a flat stomach

by Dr. Kareem F. Samhouri Dynamic exercises force your body to stabilize and recruit your core for increased effect from your exercise program. Follow the instructions on this page to…

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10 ways to get a flat stomach

by Adam Bornstein ...the biggest problem with our noshing behavior is that snacks have become meals, and meals have become feasts. Be the center of attention For all the effort…

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Medical Miracles: Beauty queen has quarter of her skull removed and stored in her stomach for six weeks…

A former beauty queen has undergone an incredible surgery where a quarter of her skull was removed and stored in her stomach while she recovered from a devastating head injury.…

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