by Aloka Mehta Gambhir A good home workout is one that does not use equipment, takes up less space, adds strength, is great in a time crunch, and is flexible. We all…
by Rachel Ogbu We loved him before but we love him even more now, check out what hard work and determination looks like. The comedian who is London based showed…
by Rachel Ogbu The former gang banger, born Jayceon Terrell Taylor now known as The Game has posted impressive pictures of himself halfway through 60-day fitness blitz Last year he…
From MagForWomen Make sure you include some whole grains and fruits into your breakfast menu. They’ll keep you healthy and fit. For many people, dieting is harsh. It means not…
by Vivian Diller It isn't about abstaining from eating or sex altogether. It's about learning to engage in these activities in a healthier way. Diet-conscious people -- and there are…