by Carli Pizzani Dieting alone, without exercise, may seem like it’s working because your weight is going down, but if it’s affecting your body composition negatively -- I’m…
Read Moreby Tara Zimliki Stop staring wishfully at the model on the magazine cover and start working in steps to a great body. In the midst of our busy…
Read Moreby Tara Zimliki There is no spot removal when it comes to weight loss, so promises of a pill helping you to lose belly fat are far from…
Read Moreby Carly Pizzani How many times have you admired a celebrity who looks perfect three months after baby and been bitter? Maybe if I had a personal trainer,…
Read Moreby Tara Zimliki Start drinking 8-12 glasses of water a day so that you can speed up your metabolic rate. You will also find yourself less hungry. People…
Read Moreby Heather Williams On a diet and low on money? No problem! You can actually diet while still being broke and get great weight loss results. In fact,…
Read Moreby Taji Mortazavi Homemade salad dressings not only taste better, but are better for you! Most recipes call for way too much oil. You can easily replace…
Read Moreby Tara Zimliki Dying to lose those last 10 pounds and cardio is no longer doing the job? Well start pumping some iron already. Lifting just 5-10…
Read Moreby TNN If you're indulging where food's concerned, beware of the inevitable skinny person's paunch. No matter what your skinny status, as you grow older, you will develop…
Read Moreby Men's Fitness A common misconception is that you need to lift heavy to build serious muscle... But the reality is that your muscles can't tell the difference between…
Read Moreby Tara Zimliki It is easy to make weight loss mistakes like skipping meals, not exercising or even over indulging when you dine out. Often people make these mistakes…
Read Moreby Tara Zimliki The more vigorously you exercise, the more calories you’ll burn— even if you increase intensity for just a few minutes at a time. So go ahead…
Read Moreby Diana Kelly Whether the scale hasn't budged for one week or six, it's always a frustrating experience -- especially when you feel you're doing everything "right" to get the…
Read Moreby Heather Williams It’s also a good idea to eat at home more often when you can. Restaurant meals often have excess sugar, saturated fats, MSG, hidden chemical ingredients, gluten,…
Read Moreby Dana Smith In case you are wondering what a spa has got to do with weight loss, it has been proved that the mechanism that these vessels use is…
Read Moreby Jenni Ross There are plenty of health and diet myths out there that we have all heard once or twice. The hard part is not hearing about them, it…
Read Moreby Rudi Patel Are you downing sodas and lattes during the day? These drinks contain a high sugar content and have very little nutritional value. Including these drinks in your…
Read Moreby Tara Zimliki When you rise in the morning, your metabolism is slowest almost at a halt. To jumpstart your metabolic rate, eat a lean breakfast. Studies show breakfast eaters…
Read Moreby Men's Health You can stage a coup on calories without ruining your life or eating a single rice cake. Just follow this simple advice. You might even be surprised by…
Read Moreby Heather Williams Your digestive system is one of the most complex systems in your entire body. Women’s digestive systems are also much more sensitive than males’ most of the…
Read Moreby Anna Drinking enough water each day aids in weight loss that can help you get a flat stomach. Try drinking a glass of water before eating and you’ll be…
Read Moreby Alexandria Ingham When you’re trying to lose weight, there is always a problem area. For many women that area is the belly. Do you find that no matter what you…
Read Moreby Aloka Mehta Gambhir A good home workout is one that does not use equipment, takes up less space, adds strength, is great in a time crunch, and is flexible. We all…
Read Moreby TNN Losing weight is a lifestyle change, not a race. Thinking about your end goal can be daunting, especially if you’ve got a lot of weight to lose, so…
Read Moreby Shachi Lavingia, Team iDiva Even though it takes time for the changes to be visible, you do lose a lot of weight as is obvious, but in order to maintain…
Read Moreby Sobiya N. Moghul There are some foods, which will raise the body's temperature more than other foods and will help you burn fat. 1. By creating heat and speeding…
Read Moreby TNN 1. Get active, one step at a time: You don’t have to shell out on signing up for an expensive gym membership or a personal trainer. Try becoming…
Read MoreWho's ready for swimsuit season? Wendy Williams clearly is. The queen of talk TV wasn't just gabbing about taking off 20 pounds during a behind-the-scenes video of "The Wendy Williams…
Read Moreby SHAPE editors Don't stress about the sprinkle of salt you put on your baked potato or on a bowl of air-popped popcorn. Just try to avoid the mountain of…
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