
7 reasons to work out even when you don’t feel like it

by Taji Mortazavi

Black exercise ladyFor many women, burning a few extra calories is something we could all use. If you’re on the fence about exercising, just think about all the calories you could be burning. Working out for an intense hour could burn as much as 600 calories. Do that 3-5 times a week and you could definitely see a change in your physique. 


Did you have a bad day at work? Or an argument with a loved one? Whether you’re suffering from PMS or are having problems with your personal relationships, there’s nothing better than a run around the block or lifting some weights. One of the best reasons to work out is how great you’ll feel after your workout is done. Most people will agree that the hardest part of working out is starting. But once you’re 15 minutes into things, you’ll be having a blast as you torch fat. Next time you’re not sure about working out, keep in the mind the feeling once that workout is done.


Is fatigue what keeps you from working out? The last thing many of us want to do after a long day at the office is hit the gym. The cold winter and shorter days have also made working out outdoors be quite a pain. As difficult as it might be to drag yourself to the gym, you’ve simply got to suck it up and do it! People who work out consistently actually report having more energy. Even when you don’t feel like it, working out will give you that boost of energy you’ve been craving.


For many women, burning a few extra calories is something we could all use. If you’re on the fence about exercising, just think about all the calories you could be burning. Working out for an intense hour could burn as much as 600 calories. Do that 3-5 times a week and you could definitely see a change in your physique. Before you know it, that 10 pounds you’ve always wanted to lose will be gone.


Have you noticed that over the years, although your weight hasn’t really changed, your body composition has? Even if you weighed the same 120 pounds you did in high school, you might notice that your dress size has changed. Working out is a perfect way to tone your muscles, giving you a tight, toned look. I remember one month where I didn’t lose a single ounce of body weight, but still managed to drop a dress size! Consistent weight training and a clean diet helped me achieve the figure of my dreams.


If you find yourself dealing with constant joint pain in your elbows or knees, working out could help manage your pain levels considerably. Many joint ailments are caused by sitting for prolonged periods of time. Try to move your body every day with light exercise—even when you don’t feel like it. Your aching bones and joints are trying to tell you that you’ve been sitting for far too long!


Millions of Americans suffer from insomnia, chronic fatigue, or other sleep disorders. Surely you can feel the effects of sleep deprivation, even if you miss only a few hours. Being in a constant state of drained energy levels is no fun. Working out might be just the thing you need to get your sleeping schedule back on track, giving you more and more energy every day.


With spring and summer fast approaching, everyone wants to look in shape for bikini season. Start working out now and you’ll be ahead of the game. I always say that summer bodies are made over the winter and spring. Take the time now, even when you’re busy and may not feel like exercising, to work out a few times a week. Trust me when I say you’ll thank yourself later!


Read more in All Women Stalk


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